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| Roslyn / Bon Iver |

[ Y/n ]

Finn is trying to keep it together but you can tell he's scattered. He was forgetting words and his lessons were... Not good.

But it's understandable.

He sat down at his desk and I looked down at my laptop. The only notes I had were:

- French artist?
- Stolen
- Wrong painting ig???

I sighed and pulled out my phone to text Finn.

Finn, maybe you need a break.

He looked down at his phone and then pushed his glasses up further before responding.

I need to work

Your lectures don't make sense anymore

He rubbed his face and stood up.

"Show of hands, how many of you think my lectures aren't helpful right now. Be honest it won't hurt my feelings."

He leaned against his desk and I raised my hand. I looked around and saw almost everyone except some girls who were kiss asses to him had their hands raised.

He nodded and sat back down.

Where are we going to go

.  .  .

"You just decided to go to Paris?"

I shrugged and continued packing my suitcase.

"Parlez-vous même français?"

I looked up at her and she shrugged. "Lily, I'm stressed just let me do this." She groaned and turned away, walking back to the living room.

I continued to pack things for the trip, it wasn't really planned so I was struggling a bit. I dug around in my closet for a moment before stopping and pushing some clothes out of the way.

I grabbed Finn's hoodie and a small smile spread onto my face. I folded it up and set it in my suitcase, pushing it down to make room for other clothes.

. . .

I met Finn at the airport and we both checked in.

He just isn't the same anymore. It's really sad. I can't help but wish I could take it all from him. All that sadness. We went through security pretty fast and headed to the food court.

There was a fish tank in the center that we sat by. I brought our food on a tray and sat next to Finn. He stared at the fish and I passed him his food.

"If I could be a fish... I'd be a pufferfish." He chuckled.

I smiled and nodded, looking at the rank. "I'd be that little tiny fish." I pointed to the fish and he studied the area for a moment before nodding.

"It is a very cute fish."

. . .

Finn was staring out at the clouds for most of the ride. It was dark out now and I had fallen asleep for a little. I opened my eyes and glanced over at Finn.

I could see tears dripping off his chin and squeezed his hand. "Finn."

He looked over at me and I studied his face. "What's wrong?" My voice was soft so I wouldn't wake the others around us.

Finn smiled and looked down at his lap for a moment.

He tried to talk then got choked up and stopped- but tried again a moment later.

"I just was thinking... It's stupid but... Maybe Nick... Is one of those stars so... I- I'm just trying to figure out which one." He wiped his eyes and looked back out the window.

I felt my lip quiver and bit it to try and compose myself.

I leaned in and put my head on his arm to look out the window too.

We both stared silently for a while before Finn put a finger on the window.

"That one."

I followed his finger until I saw a bright star outshining the others around it.

I grinned and nodded.

"Yeah... That's perfect."

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now