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| Tongue Tied / Grouplove |

[ Y/n ]

"Just... Don't be nervous." Finn whispered, caressing my hands. "I'm not." I laughed. I was really quite nervous. "Finn!" The door opened and a short woman stepped out. She hugged Finn tightly and then noticed me. "Oh my god! It's true! I'm Mary. Come in, come in! Eric! Finn's here!"

She walked inside and Finn urged me inside. "Eric!"

"What!? I'm coming!"

"Sorry..." Finn mumbled. I shook my head and smiled. A man came into the room and smiled, throwing his arms up. "Hey! Finn! And you're the girl he as talking about."

"Hi, I'm Y/n."

"Nice to meet you Y/n. Would you like some food? Nick's up in his room. He's streaming though so..."

"Hm... Right. We should eat first." Finn said. "Well I cooked pizza and yeah. Come on, sit, sit." We sat at the table and I grabbed Finn's hand. "So, Y/n. How did you and Finn meet?" His mom asked. "Uh, in a coffee shop near where I live." I lied. Finn hummed caressed my hand. "What do you do for work?"

"I'm a freelance artist."

"Ooh, very nice. I would love to see some of your work." His mom continued. "Pizza!" Finn's dad set a pan with pizza on the table and Finn quickly grabbed three slices. I took one and Finn started eating. "I found a photo book earlier. You'll have to see it later. Finn was such a cutie as a kid."

"Only as a kid?" Finn said. Mary rolled her eyes and Finn laughed. They're so nice...

. . .

"Mom, Y/n and I are exhausted." Finn mumbled as his mom pulled out more baby photos. "Oh, alright. Say hi to Nick or he'll give you a hard time tomorrow. Sleep well you two."

We nodded and said our good nights. Finn and I walked upstairs, carrying our bags. "Hold on." He mumbled, opening a door. "Aye! It's Finn! I just finished the stream man. Sucks." I heard a voice from inside. I peeked in and two older guys looked back at me. Finn turned and grinned. "Nick, Quincy, this is my girlfriend. Y/n, this is my brother Nick and my friend Quincy."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. "Nice to meet you too." Nick said. He seems so nice. "Alright well... We're going to bed. Long ass flight." Finn mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Dude, you live like..."

"Six hours away... Flying!" Finn said, turning to leave. "Anyways, goodnight."

"Goodnight. Nice to meet you Y/n."

"Nice to meet you both as well." I waved and shut the door again. Finn led me to the end of the hall. "And welcome... To my childhood room." He said as he opened the door. "Very nice." I stepped inside and looked at all the stuff. "Big bed." I added. "Mhm... But my feet still touch the ends so not big enough."

He took his shirt off and ruffled his hair. "Do you wanna shower?" He asked. "Mhm." I nodded, unpacking my stuff. "Nice. I do too." We both grabbed everything we needed and Finn led me back out of his room. We the room between his and Nick's ended up being the bathroom, which was convenient. He turned the light on and we stepped inside.

Finn shut and locked the door and I turned around. He stared at me for a moment before kissing me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Wait. Hold on." Finn stepped away and turned on the shower.

"The walls are paper thin. Wouldn't want Nick to hear..."

"Hear what, Wolfhard?"

He smiled and grabbed my hips, pulling me to his lips. We kissed for a moment before he pulled my top off. I laughed as he playfully kissed my neck. He unhooked my bra and I pulled his shirt off as well. As much as I'd love to have sex, now is not the right time or place...

. . .

"Good morning..." Finn kissed my forehead and I nuzzled my nose into his neck. "What time is it?" I asked tiredly. "10." I sat up and he did as well. "Don't worry. My mom isn't awake yet." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. "It would've been really shitty if you were all waiting on me..." I mumbled. He nodded and laid his head on mine.

We sat in silence for a moment before Finn got out of bed. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He said. I nodded and he left the room. I looked around at all of his stuff before getting up. Finn was an adorable kid...

He had some medals but I didn't know where from. "Participation, mostly."

I turned and Finn picked kissed my head. "Gonna get dressed?" He asked. "Yeah, sure." I made sure the door was locked and pulled my shirt off. I covered my boobs as I walked around the bed to get to my bag. I grabbed my bra and put it on. Finn grabbed my ass and I brushed his hand off. "Awe, come on." He whined.

I laughed and turned around, grabbing his shoulders. Finn smiled and I pushed his glasses up. "Kiss?" I nodded and leaned in to kiss him. We made out for a moment before sitting on his bed. I held his cheeks as he pulled me closer to him. "FINN! I MADE CINNAMON ROLLS AND I'M GONNA EAT THEM ALL IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP!" His brother shouted.

Finn got up and ran downstairs. I laughed and got up, closing and locking the door again. I changed into my outfit and put on my makeup. I tried to be fast and rushed downstairs when I finished. "For you." Finn held out a plate and I took two cinnamon rolls from it. I kissed his forehead and sat down. "So,
Y/n... What's Finn like?"

I laughed and tucked some hair behind my ear. "He's very sweet. Very needy but it's worth it because Finn gives the best kisses and cuddles and he always knows the right things to say." I looked over at Finn who had gotten up and was playing with the cat, Poppy. "I give the best head too."

"It's 10:30 in the morning, Finn."

We all looked up and his dad walked into the kitchen with his mom. "Good morning." I smiled. "Good morning, Y/n." Mary is so sweet. Oh my god... And Eric is fucking hilarious. Finn got up and gave them a hug before sitting back down at the table.

I waved and they sat down. "Thank you Nick for breakfast."

.  .  .

"Bye! Have a safe flight home!" Finn and I waved to his family as we got into the taxi.

Finn placed his hand on my thigh and gave me a small kiss as we started to the airport.

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