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| No Fun / Joji |

[ Y/n ]

"The Ancient Romans often made pottery with stories on them but a lesser known fact is that they would often engrave art into their spears... Especially the tips."

I stared at Finn in horror as he sent a smile my way.

That bastard.

His hair wasn't as neat as it usually was and he was wearing his glasses. I looked down and pulled my phone out.


You are such a dick

He knocked his glasses further up his nose and looked around. "Can anyone tell read out their conclusion on the Ancient Roman's common art?"

"Uh you." I looked back and the girl who walked down the steps to the front of the class. "What's your name?" Finn asked. "Emma." She smiled at him. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"So basically, in 740 BC the Romans had started experimenting with art. They uh- they-"

Who gives a fuck what she's saying? Finn was staring I couldn't help but draw his attention down. I was wearing a skirt so I looked away and uncrossed my legs, spreading my thighs.

I glanced back over at Finn who had started blushing and turned around. He grabbed chalk and I shut my legs. "Uh- good. Thank you, you can return to your seat. Finn sat back down in his chair and I stared at the board.


I stared at the board, mouth agape. This entire time I've been so distracted I have 0 notes on anything from module 1. "I know you can all do it. That's... Approximately 400 words per lesson. Not very hard. I expect college level shit, guys. Don't fuck with me. I will fail you. Class dismissed."

Everyone started packing up, as well as myself and Finn picked up his phone. A moment later my phone buzzed and I shoved my laptop in my backpack. I was one of the last students in the room but I was trying to leave quickly.

"Ms. Y/l/n, you forgot your notes last week."

I froze and the last two girls giggled as they waved to Finn. He half-assed a wave back and suddenly we were alone. "Where are you going in such a hurry? Hm?" Finn asked, walking over to me with papers in his hands. "You are such a dick." I sighed, crossing my arms. Finn laughed and kissed me for a moment.

"Seriously. I haven't seen you do anything in the class but gawk at me or tease me. Which is against the rules."

"You started it." I whispered, grabbing his tie. "Oh really? I just woke up late. I was up pretty late fantasizing after that handy."

"Were you?"


I smiled and pulled his tie down and kissed him. He added tongue for a moment before pulling away and looking around. He cleared his throat and fixed his tie. "Anyways... Here. Lessons 1-6. My teacher copy. I need them back though."

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now