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| As it was / Harry Styles |

[ Y/n ]

"You're hardly here anymore." Lily whined.

"And yet I still pay rent."

I pulled out the cheez-itz and sat next to Lily.

She hugged me and unpaused Bridgerton.

"We should go to the club."

Lily is my best friend. We would do anything for each other. It's hard to keep this from her. I wish she could just... Accidentally catch Finn and I sometimes.

But realistically I don't want that.

"Why don't you and Tim go to the club then?"

Lily groaned and I watched the show.

I miss him.

We spend so much time together...

I wonder if he misses me at all.

[ Finn ]

"Can I put my b..a..." I tapped at my computer and sighed. "Y/nnnnn!"

Should I text her? No... Don't be clingy. Clingy guys are cringe. "Right Nick?" I laughed for a moment before closing my mouth and typing the last of the email seriously.

Nick doesn't get a funeral...

"My headddd!"

I opened the small side table next to the couch and pulled out my vape. Vaping is so... cringe.

Sorry Nick.

I inhaled deeply and tilted my head back, exhaling the smoke.

You know what. I'll send Y/n a video.

Just so she knows I'm thinking about her.

[ Y/n ]

My phone buzzed and I stopped playing with Lily's hair to check it. Finn's snapping me? If it's some streaks bullshit...

I opened the snap and my eyes widened.



Lily tried to grab my phone and I hid it. "Lily! Stop!" She groaned and flopped back into my lap.

I turned my phone back on and whined. Damnit! I wanted to watch that. Again, and again, and again.

I texted Finn and set my phone down on the couch. I flicked Lily in the forehead and ignored her whines.

[ Finn ]

Yes! She's texting back!

. . . . . . . . . . . . Waiting

With Lil, loved the video but can't mess around rn babe


𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now