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| Out of my League / Fitz and the Tantrums |

[ Y/n ]

I've been in the studio all morning and anything I sculpt ends up looking like Finn. I groaned and laid my head on the table. "Knock, knock." I looked up and Finn waved. I waved back and sat up.

He came over and set his bag down. "It's really raining out there..." He noted. I nodded and got up. "That's my favorite time to work." I grabbed our mugs and walked back over to the table. Finn's eyes seemed to light up at he grabbed his mug. "We're going to paint it then glaze it and then it'll go back in the oven."

He nodded and I took some paints out. "So, you working on any dolls?" I looked up and nodded. "Yeah. I was really inspired by some of the art you showed us in class yesterday so I sketched some stuff down and now I'm sculpting her out."

"That's really cool. I'm glad my class is good for something."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't know... No one finds it as interesting as I do."

"I do." I lied.

"Really?" Finn asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, I love your class. It's hella interesting. Don't worry about it, professor. Just have fun."

He smiled and looked back down at the mug. "Now here. Take this white and paint on a base so the colors look better." Finn nodded and did what I told him.

I got up to go check if my painting was dry yet while he did that. It feels wrong to get personal with him but we can't talk about his class forever. I'll just ask something not too personal. "Are you a dog or cat person?" Finn looked back at me and I joined him at the table. It was dry, I just didn't want to glaze it with him here. "Both but leaning more over to the dogs side."

I nodded and he asked about me. "Dogs. If my roommate wasn't terrified fo them I'd have one."

"What kinda dog do you want?" Finn asked. I hummed and rested my cheek on my palm. "Bulldogs are really cute." I sighed. "Really? A bulldog? Hm, I didn't think you'd say that."

"Well what about you? What dog would you get?"

"Easy. A Retriever or a collie. Something decently large that's fast and smart. I had a dog like that as a kid and I loved her." I nodded and we sat silently for a moment. Finn looked over at me. He suddenly leaned in for a moment, smashing our lips together. I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him back. Finn pulled away and stared at me. "I- I'm so sorry."

I shook my head and caressed his cheeks. "I just... I can't stop thinking about you. Every week I get more and more needy for you and I don't know why-"

"Me too."

"What?" Finn stared at me and I nodded.

"I feel the same way. I can't focus on anything but you. Hell, everything I sculpt looks like you. I- I can't tell you how badly I've wanted to kiss you."

He gulped and set the paintbrush down.

. . .

Finn and I sat in his car outside his apartment. I walked to the studio today so it worked out. I sat in Finn's lap as we made out. He gripped my ass and I had worked on unbuttoning his shirt. We pulled away and I laughed. "What?"

"We've been kissing for like 15 minutes."

"Is that bad?" Finn asked. I shook my head and leaned in again. I kissed him lightly then pulled away again. "You gonna take me inside or what, professor?" Finn laughed and kissed me. "You're a really good kisser..." I mumbled. "Mm, thanks." He whispered as he hugged me closer to him so we could make out some more.

"Okay! I want to go inside. Let's go!" Finn sighed but nodded. I opened his door and made a run for it to the entrance. He ran after me, locking the car and trying to button his shirt. Finn quickly opened the door and we walked inside. We both laughed at how drenched we were and walked over to the elevator. "Oh dear!" Finn looked over and quickly rushed to help the woman.

"Oh wow! Who is that? You've never brought a girl in before." The elderly woman squinted at me and I waved to her. "Cece, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is my neighbor Cece."

"It's Cecilia!" She corrected. "Well I like Cece. Come on, give me your groceries. Why didn't your nurse go out and get these for you?" He offered her his arm and I rushed over. I took a bag from him and the woman reached out for me. I stepped closer to her and she grabbed my arm as well. "Oh young love. And to think I had a chance with the boy."

"Cecilia." Finn groaned. "I'm just saying. I may be old but I can still-"

"Okay! Thank you ma'am." Finn hit the 4th floor and we listened to Cecilia talk about how she had fallen in love with a sailor when she was a girl. We walked her to her room and I took note of how kind Finn was.

A woman opened the door with a panicked look and gasped. "Ah, thank you! Cecilia, you can't do that anymore." The door shut and Finn reached into his pocket.

"That's what was poking me?"

Finn nodded and looked at me. "What'd you- Jesus."

I laughed and Finn opened the door for me. "Sorry it's not like... Super fancy or whatever."

"I love it." I sighed as I laid on his couch. Finn laid on top of me and I laughed. "I told you that you can call me Finn, right?" I shook my head and he nodded. "Call me Finn." I nodded and looked over. "Graded papers?" I asked. "Oh, yeah. Damn. I guess if we're gonna do this we're going to have to establish some rules."

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