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| Capsize / Frenship |

[ Y/n ]

1. My work is confidential. You won't look at answer sheets or other students' work at any time while you're here.

2. No one can know about us

3. No flirting in class or through papers/emails

4. No posting anything about us on socials

5. Around parents we were never teacher and student. We met at the movies or something

6. If we break up our relationship never happened. No. One. Can. Know.

7. Do not purposely try to arouse me in class. Ever.

8. Prof. Wolfhard on campus/around other students in general

9. No parties.

10. If we fight, you still have to come to class but there will be no antagonizing.

"No parties?!" I looked up at him. "It's too risky..." I sighed and nodded. "I do have a big mouth when I'm drunk..."

"Only when you're drunk?"

I gasped and looked at him. "How rude."

We both laughed and Finn brushed some hair behind my ear. "I don't know anything about you." He whispered "I know nothing about you." I replied. He nodded and got off of me. "Okay. Ask me anything but you have to answer too and then I'll ask a question."

"Have you ever gotten involved with any students other than me?"

"Jesus. No. I never did that bullshit where people blow me and pass my class. They tried but nah." He sighed. "I have..." I matched his tone. "What?" Finn asked, obviously confused. "You're the only student I've ever had and look at where that got me." Finn rolled his eyes and pushed me playfully. "What is... Your middle name?"

.  .  .

Finn and I laid in his bed together. "I have a 5am class tomorrow." Finn whispered. I hummed and cuddled up against him. He hugged me and I smiled. "Goodnight Finn."

. . .

[ Finn ]

I quickly hit my alarm off and looked over to see if Y/n had woken up. She hadn't so I slowly got out of bed. I admired her for a moment before turning to go shower.

.  .  .

I tightened my tie and heard shuffling from the bed. I walked over and sat down on the bed. Y/n stretched and then readjusted herself. "I- um... I gotta go. Help yourself to anything."

She opened her eyes and I gave her a small smile. "Alright... I'm gonna go home before my roommate wakes up."


"Okay. I'll text you." She nodded and I hesitantly leaned in and kissed her forehead. She smiled and I got off my bed, walking back towards the door to leave.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now