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| Can I Call You Tonight? / Dayglow |

[ Y/n ]

Finn and I have officially been dating for two weeks. He's very sweet and dorky. We've started getting more comfortable with pet names but still no sex. We were driving two hours to go on a date he wouldn't tell me about.

"Oh shit. Turn it up babe. I love this song." Finn said but then immediately turned the radio up himself. I smiled and looked out the window. He scream sang the lyrics and danced. We pulled over for gas and Finn sighed. "Hold on... My contacts are fucking killing me." He muttered. Finn took his contacts out and sighed. "Uh can you get my glasses? They're in my backpack. The first zipper."

I nodded and reached back to grab his glasses for him. I pulled them out and passed them to him. Finn thanked me and put them on. "Wow! So handsome!" Finn rolled his eyes and we both got out. "Do you want anything to eat?" I asked. "Waitttt. Don't go inside. I don't like doing my gas alone."

I obliged and went and stood next to him. Finn wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close to him. He filled up the gas tank and paid. We walked inside and both of us immediately went to the food. "Oh this... And this! And... Yes, yes, yes. Get that Finn." We walked over to the register with arms full of junk food. Finn ran to the back and came back with a large bottle of water.

The cashier scanned our stuff and stared at us. "I think you're my sisters' teacher. She goes to Uni of Toronto. She always talks about you um... History of something."

"Yeah, history of the arts." Finn mumbled. The kid nodded and finished scanning our stuff. "Cool. Your total is $21.83."

I pulled out my card but Finn pushed it away and put his card in first. "Whatever." I sighed as he playfully ruffled my hair. "You snooze you lose. Thanks." Finn finished paying and took the bag. We walked out and ran back to his car.

"Gimme the Doritos." He dug around in the bag and pulled out some Doritos. "Oh! I want some too." Finn nodded and tore the bag open.

. . .

When we finally got to our destination I couldn't stop smiling. "Ta-da! It's a planetarium!" I laughed and looked around. "Come on. We're about to be late." He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. We got inside and Finn reached into his pocket. He pulled out some papers and handed them to the lady at the desk.

She unfolded them and scanned the barcodes on them. "Down the hall to the left."

We went where the lady told us and quietly walked inside. "Here is tonight's night sky. As you can see we have a nice crescent moon, you can see Apollo, Leo, there's the Big and Little Dipper, and... Here is a manticore. These are just some of the more noticeable constellations."

"So, what do you think?" Finn whispered. "I love it." I replied, lightly kissing him.

. . .

We walked around the planetarium, holding hands and stopping at anything that caught our eye. We eventually came to the end of the exhibit and walked into the gift shop. "I have to get something." I said. "What? Why? You liked it that much." Finn smiled. "Yes and it's our first date dummy." Finn nodded and smiled.

"I'll get something too then."

We both started walking around, looking for something to buy. I was looking at some keychains when something soft touched my shoulder. I turned and Finn help up two stuffed dogs wearing NASA shirts. I gasped and grabbed one. "Finn these are... Adorable!" He nodded and I pulled him to the register. Finn quickly took my dog from me and handed it to the lady.

She scanned them both and gave us the total. "Finn you don't have to pay for everything..." I said guiltily. "It's a date Y/n. I'm supposed to."

"Just be glad his is. My last date, the guy made me pay for everything." The cashier sighed. "Oh that's terrible..." I whispered. The nodded and the machine beeped. "Anyways, you two are good to go." We smiled and took the dogs. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" Finn and I waved as we walked back outside. "Damn it's bright." He said.

I nodded and we got into his car. "Well, back home I guess. Do you want to spend the night or..."

"I really would but I have a 5 am tomorrow. My sculpting class." Finn shrugged and nodded. "No, it's cool. Totally cool..." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Promise I'll make it up to you though..."

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now