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[ Narrator ]

Y/n stared at him in shock, unsure what to respond with.

He sighed and shook his head. "Y/n... That was stupid..." He mumbled. "Yeah, it was. I'm leaving. And... If that's what you think-"

"It isn't." Finn corrected.

"Well... I don't think this can work out anymore anyways." Y/n whispered with tears in her eyes.

Finn froze and Y/n sighed. She looked around and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"I'll see you in class..."

She grabbed her keys and walked out of his apartment, rushing to the elevator.

Finn laughed in shock for a moment before running to the door.

He rushed after Y/n, trying to catch her before the elevator doors closed. Just as he was in sight he saw the doors close with Y/n inside.

"Damnit." He ran to the stairs and took them two at a time. By the time he got to the bottom Y/n was leaving the building.

Finn sprinted after her, holding his glasses as he did so.

"Y/n! Y/n stop!" He shouted as he got outside. It was pouring now and she was searching for her car.

Y/n fumbled in her pockets, trying to get her keys out again.

"Y/n." Finn grabbed her arm and she smacked him off of her. "Don't touch me." She stepped away from him and Finn put a hand in his hair.

He couldn't see dick in front of him because of the pouring rain and his glasses but he could make out her figure in the distance.

"Y/n please don't leave. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry."

Y/n laughed and threw her arms up.

"I've done... So much for you, Finn. And I didn't expect anything in return. I really didn't. But that? That was pushing it."

"I know." He whispered, stepping closer to her.


Y/n stared at Finn. His curls drenched and his glasses covered in water. He was entirely desperate right now.

He looked so sad and she could tell he really regretted it.

But she was hurt.

"Why should I stay?" She asked.

Finn put a hand over his mouth and Y/n stared at him. She gave him a moment then scoffed. She unlocked her car and opened the drivers side door.

"Y/n... Wait... Please." Finn insisted.

Y/n started getting in and Finn looked down at the ground. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before opening his mouth again.

"You- you can't leave because I love you and I can't do this without you." He finally said.

Y/n froze and turned back to look at Finn.

Finn bent down so he and Y/n were face to face. Her face was distorted from the rain but he didn't care. "Finn-"

He grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss.

Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into the kiss.

"Finn, I love you too." Y/n whispered, wiping his sopping curls out of his face.

Finn nodded and hugged her. He kissed her forehead and Y/n laid her head on his chest.

"I love you too..." Y/n sighed.

. . .

Finn and Y/n sat in his apartment, Y/n was going through everything to find who said it. Finns work phone rang and he immediately answered it.

"Hello? Yes... Yeah."

Y/n looked down at Finn and wiped some fresh tears off of his face. He stood up and grabbed at his hair. "O-okay. Yes. Thanks. Ok, bye."

He hung up and turned to Y/n.

"They're looking... They said they'd call me when they find out who it is..."

She nodded and he came back over to the couch.

"I need to do something- I can't... Can I fuck you?"

Y/n furrowed her brows and watched as Finn put his hands back up into his hair. "No... It's not... Oh my god I can't... What do I do?!"

Y/n stood up and grabbed his face. "How about we go ask Brooklynn's mom if you can hang out with her... Ok? You guys have a lot of fun together right?"

Finn was reluctant at first but Y/n walked down the hall and knocked on the door while Finn watched from the doorway.

Brooklynn answered and hugged Y/n's legs, looking for Finn. She saw him and ran down the hall. Y/n talked quietly to her mom, explaining how Finn was having a really bad couple of weeks and needed something positive for a little.

Her mom agreed and Brooklynn was already in Finn's apartment. Y/n came back and Finn was on the ground going through tv channels while Brooke climbed all over him.

She sat in his lap and they started to watch My Little Pony together. Y/n went to search the kitchen for something to make in the meantime.

.  .  .

Finn and Brooke had a fun few hours together. They played and Y/n thought she could see a genuine smile on his face. But his eyes were so sad.

She stared at the food on the plates and Finn was in the bathroom. He was crying loudly, and hitting things.

She held her fork and debated on getting up to go comfort him but he emerged and came into the kitchen.

"Sorry." He laughed and wiped the fresh tears off of his face. Y/n swallowed hard as he continued to wipe the tears away as they fell.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Y/n nodded and hugged Finn. "It's ok. It's ok Finn."

He shook his head and squeezed her.

"I love you. Y/n, I love you. I really couldn't do this without you."

She nodded again and kissed his head. "Alright Finn..."

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