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| Dissolve / Absofacto |

[ Y/n ]

Finn and I sat in his apartment complex's pool together. We made out since no one was here. "I love indoor pools." I whispered between kisses. Finn nodded and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Finnnnnn! Ewwww!" We pulled away and Finn looked up. "Oh, sorry Brooklynn." The girl took her flip flops off and jumped into the pool. "Careful Brooke." Her mom called.

She swam over to us and I stood back up. "Hi! I'm Brooklynn. Finn babysits me and my baby brother when my mommy can't." I nodded and looked at him. "I did not know that." He shrugged and picked Brooklynn up. "How could I say no? She let's me sit next to her favorite dolls at tea parties. Right Brooky?" She nodded and hugged Finn.

"Finn is my faaaaaaaaaavorite babysitter." She beamed. I smiled and nodded, laughing a little. "I'm sure he is."

. . .

"She was cute."

"She's a lot of work." Finn sighed as we got in the elevator. "Hey." I turned to him and he kissed me playfully. "Happy one month." He blushed. I smiled and laughed, hugging him. The elevator dinged and we walked down to his room. "Oh damn... It's cold." I shivered. "Here. You go shower and I'll wait."

"We could... Shower together." I offered.

Finn stared at me for a moment before smiling. "O-okay." We walked into his bathroom and Finn turned the shower on. We both turned away from each other and started to undress. "Shit. I'm nervous...." Finn suddenly laughed. "Yeah, me too."

"Okay. Just turn around on the count of three."

"One, two, three!"

Finn and I turned around and and looked at each other. "Ah shit this is humiliating." Finn whined. "I think you look good." I said flirtatiously. "I look good?" He whispered, walking closer to me. I pressed my thighs together as he grabbed my hand. "Let's make out."

"Your shower is running."

"Make out in the shower."

We got in the shower and Finn pressed my back against the wall. I put my hand on his chest and Finn hugged my waist. "Can I..." He whispered as his hand trailed near my boobs.

"Yes..." Finn grabbed my boob and massaged it between his fingers. I whined and lightly bit his lip. We pulled away and Finn grabbed my hand with his free one. He slowly slid my hand down his body. "Do you work out?" I asked. "Yeah." Finn beamed. "Hot."

My fingers trailed down his v-line and Finn closed his eyes. "Wait. This is kinda embarrassing... I... I moan really loud..." Finn mumbled. I smiled and shook my head. "That's okay... I bet your moan is really fucking hot." I whispered. Finn whimpered and pushed my hand down further.

I grabbed his dick, which was still pretty soft, and started rubbing it. "Oh!" He moaned. I started jerking him off and Finn bit his lip. I looked down and watched as he hardened in my hand. I bit my lip and looked back up at him. He laughed awkwardly and smiled. "The last girl who touched me said my dick looked deformed..." He whispered.

"Really?" I looked down and then looked back up at him. "No, it absolutely does not look deformed."

Finn laughed and put a hand in his hair. "That's good. You're really sexy."

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now