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| Fantasy / Bazzi |

[ Y/n ]

Finn had a lot to catch up on after those few days off. He was working late most nights so tonight I decided to help him out.


He looked up and laughed. "Y/n..." his cheeks were bright red and he looked away. "What? You don't like it?" I teased, putting myself in his lap.

I was wearing red lingerie for him. Honestly I was praying this was enough to get some action.

It was enough to get him hard so I pushed him down on the couch. "Y/n." He sighed. I pulled his boxers off and licked my palm.

Finn cringed as I grabbed his cock. I started pumping up and down, just how he liked. Finn nodded and opened his eyes again.

He looked down at me and I shifted so we could kiss. Finn's tongue forcefully shoved into my mouth. I started going faster, feeling how his dick was throbbing from the attention.

Finn grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Stop, stop, stop. Please. I'm going to cum. There's condoms in the drawer on my side of the bed."

I got up and walked into his bedroom. I tried not to show how excited I was but the second I got in there I did a little happy dance.

Ok, condoms.

I walked over to his drawer and pulled the box out. I grabbed one and turned. I walked back out into the living room and tore the package open.

Finn watched me as I rolled it onto his length.

When I finished he sat up. "Lay down." He demanded. I did as he said and Finn got on top of me. "Ready?" He whispered.

I discarded my underwear and nodded. "Yes."

Finn leaned down and kissed my neck for a moment. His fingers spread my wetness around my entrance for a moment before he thrusted in.

I gasped and hugged him tightly. Finn was breathing heavily, gripping my waist. "Shit. I'm not going to last very long. You're so tight."

"You're so b-b-big." I whimpered.

Finn started moving his hips and I tried not to moan too loud. "Come on princess. Don't be shy." He muttered as he sped up.

I started to moan louder. My nails ripped at his shoulders and back. His couch moved as he thrusted harder. My legs wrapped around his hips and I buried my head in his shoulder.

"Yes, Finn! Yes, Finn! Don't stop!" I cried. Finn nodded and I moved a hand up to pull at his curls. Finn's breath was hot on my skin as he groaned and let out some loud moans.

Our skin clapped together frequently and Finn kissed my shoulder to keep himself quiet.

Suddenly he picked me up and I held onto him tightly. Finn kissed my neck and then pinned me against one of his walls.

I bit my lip as he put a hand over my throat.

"Don't be shy, princess." He spoke more harshly than last time. A hint of annoyance in his voice. "Tell daddy how bad you want it."

"I- I want you so bad. Your cock is so big and it feels so good inside me. Please, I've been a good girl."

Finn laughed and nodded. He thrusted back in and I tossed my head back. "Fuck I... I feel so good." I whined.

My whole body heated up as I realized I almost said 'I love you' to him. Finn moaned out loudly and thrusted in deeply.

I gasped and saw stars for a moment. My orgasm came and I sat in bliss for a moment. Finn came as well and rested his forehead against mine.

We both grinned happily and I wrapped my arms around his neck to kiss him.

. . .

[ Narrator ]

The next morning Finn woke up late. He rushed around his apartment to get everything he needed. He kissed Y/n goodbye and quickly left.

He arrived and everyone was already seated.

Finn's briefcase wasn't fully closed and a certain red, lacy material he accidentally grabbed while grabbing papers fell onto the floor.

Not only was that shocking but Finn had dark scratch marks and a hickey on his neck.

"Professor?" Someone finally called out. "Yes?" Finn turned. "You dropped something." Finn looked over at where the girl was pointing and his eyes widened.

He grabbed the underwear and shoved it in his pocket.

"Oh yeah Professor Wolfhard is getting it! Hell yeah!" One of the guys started. All the other guys started cheering and hollering.

Finn was beyond embarrassed. He wasn't sure he could even teach like this. "Uh... J- just give me a moment everyone."

He left the classroom and bumped into someone. "Shit I'm- Shit!" He realized it was Y/n and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" He took the underwear out and her eyes widened. "T- the whole class s- saw." Y/n could see the tears in his eyes and shook her head.

"No, no, no, no. It's ok. It's ok, Finn. Just pretend it didn't happen. It'll be-"

"Y/n? Oh sorry, Mr. Wolfhard. Y/n's going to miss her class." Lily cut in. She grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her away.

Finn wiped his eyes and took a deep breath.

'It's okay. It's okay. Everything is going to be just fine.'

He repeated to himself, praying it would be fine.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now