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| The Hills / The Weeknd |

[ Y/n ]

"Holy shit Finn... This hotel is so fucking pretty."

Finn nodded in agreement and I laid down on the bed. "Oh my god... It's so comfortable..."

Finn laid down next to me and sighed. "It is so soft."

I turned and looked at Finn. His glasses had slipped up onto his forehead. His curls splayed out like a halo and his brown eyes focused on the ceiling.

I looked up and admired the detailing on the ceiling.

"It's pretty." He whispered.

"I'm exhausted. What time is it?"

Finn grabbed his phone from his pocket and checked the time for me. "It's 11. We should sleep, it might help with our jetlag."

I nodded in agreement and got up. I opened my suitcase and grabbed some pajamas.

"That's my hoodie."

I laughed and held it up. "I never gave it back." He nodded and adjusted his glasses as he stood up. "I see."

Finn walked over and opened his suitcase as well, pulling out a new pair of boxers.

I started to undress and Finn stopped for a moment. He grabbed my waist and I turned to look at him. Finn leaned in and pressed our lips together.

I turned fully and he took the clothes from my hands, laying them back onto the drawers. Finn grabbed me and moved me back to the bed.


"Do you want to?"

I studied his face and could tell he did want to do I leaned in and kissed him.

Finn put a hand in my hair and his thumb played with some of my hair. His tongue entered my mouth and I moved my hands to his back.

"I missed you." He whispered as we parted for air.

"I missed you too, Finn."

He continued down and pulled my shorts off. He kissed my lower stomach and looked up at me as he pressed his thumb against my clit.

Slowly, he moved his fingers down and pushed his middle and pointer into me. I moaned and covered my mouth. "You didn't even pleasure yourself?" He laughed at me.

I shook my head and closed my eyes as Finn continued.

"Fuck you're so wet."

I nodded and spread my arms back onto the bed.

Finn pulled his fingers out and got up. He grabbed some condoms from his suitcase and came back to the bed. Finn opened the package with his mouth and unzipped his pants.

"You're not gonna be too loud right?" He mocked.

"I think we should be more concerned about you." I fired back.


Finn grabbed my thighs and spread my legs a little wider.

He adjusted himself more over me and I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. "Come on Finn... Hurry up."

He didn't respond verbally but instead thrust deeply into me. We both gasped and Finn threw dropped his head onto the bed. "Fuck, you feel like a virgin."

I nodded and dug my nails into his back.

How long would I really last tonight? Honestly I didn't know. We had both been deprived and Finn was so hard.

Finn was rough and fast, moaning into the duvet as he did. He lifted my leg and I moaned loudly into his shoulder.

"Finn! Please... Holy shit... Oh!" He kissed me and I moved one of my hands to his hair.

"I love you Finn... Oh fuck." He nodded and moaned again. I closed my eyes and held him tightly.

I love Finn. I love taking care of him like this. And making him feel good. He makes me feel so good.

Finn kissed my neck and ran his hands down my body.


"Good girl just stay like that for me." He pushed himself up a little and grabbed my hips. I held my help up and Finn kissed my forehead and continued his quick pace.

"Holy shit I'm so close." He took his glasses off and tossed them to a different part of the bed. I closed my eyes again and nodded as I was close too.

"Finn!" I looked down and he was using his thumb to circle my clit. I came and dropped my leg, fully laying down on the bed.

Finn's thrusts slowed and he tilted his head back as he came as well, holding my thigh tightly.

Finn pulled out and took the condom off. He tossed it in the trash and I kept my eyes closed. "I'm... Exhausted." I whispered.

"Me too."

Finn pulled me up further onto the bed and I got under the covers. He joined me and I cuddled up against him. He shifted for a moment before pulling out his glasses from some sheets and setting them on the nightstand.

I laughed and laid my head on his chest.

"Goodnight Finn."

He kissed my head and sighed.

"Goodnight Princess."

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