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| Young / Vacations |

[ Narrator ]

After that summer, Y/n went on to get her BFA and become an art director at a popular gallery in the city.

Finn quit his job at the university and applied to one closer to Y/n so they could live together.

After two years of being together Finn proposed and a year later the two got married.

Lily became a popular model and Timothée pursued acting. They remain together.

Enya and Drew's club is successful and Finn and Y/n visit them whenever they can.

Y/n had twin boys who they decided to name Victor and Oliver in memory of Nick.

Eventually, Nick had a proper funeral and Finn gave the best speech out of everyone who spoke.

Finn continued therapy and has recovered from the trauma and aftermath of everything that happened in that year.

[ Finn ]

I hit my alarm off and rubbed my face.

I grabbed my glasses and put them on, leaning over to kiss Y/n. She hummed and grabbed my hand. I kissed her knuckles before getting out of bed.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my outfit Y/n set out for me. She got out of bed and left the room to go get the twins up.

I got dressed and made sure I looked presentable. I have a big presentation to give the university board today. I looked down at the photo of Nick and I in the mirror as I tied my tie.

"Wish me luck, Nick." I left the bathroom and walked down the starts to the kitchen. "Daddy!" Victor and Oliver came running over and grabbed me.

"Good morning. So much energy today." I picked Oliver up and he signed that their play at preschool was tonight.

"You're right! Are you excited? Are you gonna act just like Uncle Tim?"

They both nodded and I set Oliver in his seat.

Y/n came back and put their plates on the table. "Ok you three. Come eat."

"You didn't have to make mine." I grinned.

She set my plate down and kissed my head.

I love her.

"I love you!" I called as she walked back into the kitchen.

"I love you too mommy!"

Oliver signed for me to tell her he said he loves her.

"Oliver says he loves you too!" I called.

"I love you guys too, very much."

She walked back out and set my coffee down. Y/n sat down with her own breakfast and started eating.

I'm so nervous... I might actually need a smoke.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now