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| Swimming pools (drank) / Kendrick Lamar |

[ Y/n ]

"Alright... Well... I guess you should go." Finn rubbed his hands on his sweats and bit his lip. "Lily and Tim are at the club so... If you wanted to come in for a few minutes to... See my apartment."

Finn got out of the car and I rushed out as well. We ran inside the building and instead of the elevator I pulled him to the stairs.

This is really risky.

[ Lily ]

"God these evening could not any more boring."

The door unlocked and Timothée went to open his mouth.

I jumped to put my hand over his mouth and covered my own mouth.

Y/n was too busy making out with him to even notice us.

He picked her up and they exchanged a few words I didn't hear before they stumbled to her room.

The door shut and I looked at Timothée wide eyed.

I slowly took my hands off of our mouthes.

"Was that... Professor Wolfhard or just a guy who looks very similar to him?"

I shook my head and grabbed his hand. "Come on we're going out."

[ Y/n ]

Finn kissing my stomach and used his freehand to finger me. "You're so wet." He whispered. "Wait." I got up and ran out of the room.

I opened one of the cabinets and grabbed as much alcohol as I could hold.

I brought it back to my room and passed Finn some vodka. "Straight vodka?" He asked.

"Are you a pussy?" I teased.

Finn scoffed and took the cap off the bottle. He tilted it up and drank it straight. I watched as he chugged the rest of the bottle.

I tried to take it from him before he finished but he wouldn't let go. "You drink something." He mumbled. I nodded and opened my bottle.

I knew I could drink the entire thing like Finn had. I had to take short sips and after five or six I was finished.

Finn grabbed my face and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around him and grabbed at his hair. Finn messily kissed my neck.

"Finn... Hurry up."

He hummed and fumbled with his pants. Finn got them off and I reached over to my bedside table. I pulled out a condom and passed it to Finn.

He wasn't too happy about it but eventually got it on.

I laid back and Finn pulled my pants down. He held my hips as he slowly pushed himself into me. I moaned loudly and held him.

Finn rolled his hips and I squeezed my eyes shut. He leaned down and pressed his lips on mine. Finn groaned and I clutched his back.

"Do you love me, Y/n?" Finn whispered.

I nodded and arched my back. "Yes, yes. Finn I fucking love you."

Finn moaned and grabbed my hips. He pulled out and pulled me by my hand out of bed. I stumbled around and Finn pressed me against my desk.


He turned me around and bent me over, sliding back in. "Oh, shit." Finn roughly pounded into me. The things on my desk clattered around and fell but I didn't care.

Finn's hand slid up my back and grabbed the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and he pulled me towards him.

"Is it good?" I nodded and laid my head back against him.

Finn turned and pushed me back onto the bed again. He held my legs as he roughly fucked me I moaned louder as my orgasm got close.

Finn tilted his head back and I whimpered. "Fuck Y/n- I'm gonna cum." Finn went harder and faster until I came and shortly after he did as well.

Finn collapsed in bed next to me, panting quietly.

I looked over and smiled at him.

"I love you." He slurred as he fell asleep.

"Love you too..."

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