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| Bottom Bitch / Doja Cat |

[ Y/n ]

I scrolled through my phone in the cafe, waiting for it to be time for me to head to class.

A tall figure walked past the window and I looked up. Finn... I shook my head and watched as he walked inside. Oh, shit. I looked back down and continued drinking my coffee. I could hear him talking to the barista. My heart is pounding.

"Mrs. Late."

I looked up and he smiled at me. "Oh, hi F- Professor Wolfhard. I didn't know you came here."

"Yeah, it's weird ordering at the Starbucks on campus... Can I sit with you?" I nodded and he sat down. "I revised your paper and you're very talented. What degree are you studying for?"

"Fine arts."

"Which art do you practice?"

"Ceramics and creative writing."

"Ceramics? That's cool. Do you mostly sculpt pots or do you like other things?" He was genuinely intrigued and that made me smile. It's really cute. He's really cute. "Uh I like to sculpt people. Sometimes I make dolls but it's not creepy." He hummed and nodded. "And creative writing. Do you plan on publishing?"

"I wish." I laughed. "What? You could totally get published. Have some faith in yourself."


He looked up and then excused himself. I watched as he grabbed his coffee and walked back over to me. "It was nice talking to you. You should head out now if you want to make it on time." Finn said. "What?"

"You walk to class, right?"

"How'd you know?!"

"Timothée Chalamet. He took my class last year. He complained about driving you a lot. It was nice to match your name to a face."

I blushed and laughed. "I-I got my driver's license." Finn smiled and laughed. "Congrats. Don't be late to my class." I nodded and Finn waved as he left the shop. Sheesh...

. . .

I sat down in the same chair I did last time and watched as Finn typed on his computer. He sipped his coffee and I looked down to try and hide my smile. The last of the students came in and sat down. Finn stood up and clapped his hands. "Nice, looks like everyone is here on time." He walked over and shut the door. "Alright, let's start. 1 BC. If you look up here you will see-"

Blah, blah, blah. I wasn't even retaining any of this. All I could think about was him... He seems so happy to be here, teaching such a boring subject.

"I don't know about you guys but I think that's pretty cool." He couldn't contain his smile and let out a little laugh.

That is so cute. Oh my god I need a minute. I looked at my computer and took a few deep breaths. Okay, I actually need to focus. I need to focus.

I looked back up and Finn looked over at me. "They even experimented with ceramics. Different forms of pottery can be found but fair warning, it's not as pretty as what some of us are capable of making today."

. . .

"Y/n! Can you stay behind for a sec. I have a question about your paper." I nodded and slowed down how fast I was packing my stuff up. Suddenly the room was empty and there was an echo as the heavy door shut. Professor Wolfhard walked over and I smiled. "Hi."

He laughed and gave a little wave. "Hey. This isn't actually about your paper. I was wondering if you'd teach me some things about pottery... Uh my mom's birthday is soon and I want to make her a mug."

My heart. I can't take it.

"Yeah, sure. The studio is open right now if you're free?" He nodded and we both rushed to finish packing up.

. . .

"This place is always empty. Come here, I have my tools here." Finn followed me and I pulled out a tub of my supplied. "Okay." We walked over to a table and I set it down. "First, obviously, you have clay." I handed him some clay and he set it on the table. I took some for myself and pushed everything else away.

"Okay so I'll try to explain this as best as I can..."

.  .  .

I took Finn's (pitiful) mug and set it on a rack to be baked. "That was a lot of fun." Finn laughed. "Yeah? I had fun too." We stared at each other for a moment before Finn cleared his throat. "I should go. Uh, when's the next time I should come in?"

"Meet me here next Wednesday and we'll paint them." Finn nodded and smiled. "Alright... I have shit to grade so..." I nodded and waved to Finn as he left. "Bye."

.  .  .

[ Finn ]

I leaned my head on the shower wall and closed my eyes. My hand trailed down to my hard on and I sighed. "Y/n..."

Shit, did I really just say that?! No. No way. I'm not catching feelings for a student. It's against the handbook. I'd get fired if I ever did anything with her.

But you're not doing anything with her. You're in your shower, alone. That's your hand. Not hers.

Oh god but I want it to be hers so bad.

I stopped thinking for a second so I could jerk off but Y/n never really left my mind. My hand moved faster and I moaned. "Fuck Y/n. Just like that princess." I imagined what she looked like naked, what she liked, and her sexual mannerisms. She's probably tight as fuck. I groaned and threw my head back.

"A-ah!" The hot water trailed down my body as I put my free hand on the wall for support as I sped up again.

Jesus, if I go any faster I might rip my dick off.

I squeezed my eyes shut for one last moment as my hand slowed and I came. I leaned my forehead back against the wall and took a deep breath. That was the best orgasm I've had in so long. I opened my eyes and looked down. My hand was shaking and there was cum on the wall. "Yuck." I mumbled as I gathered water in my hands and splashed it on the wall.

. . .

I tapped my foot on the floor as I took my glasses off. My class isn't that hard so I don't know why everyone has to half ass it.

I circled the grade and flipped it over.

Y/n L/n

I ran my fingers over the ink and sighed. If I want it to happen... I'll wait two years. I love this job. I'm not losing it.

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