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| New Flesh / Current Joys |

[ Finn ]

"Hey! You promised you'd come when we opened and we're opening tonight." Enya poked my arm and I sighed.


"Please! Pleaseeeeee!" She begged. "Please." Drew cut in.

"Guys of course I'll be there." I sighed, knowing I promised Y/n sex tonight. I supposed I'll just have to explain and cancel.

. . .

"Well?" Drew asked. "It's fucking awesome man." I grinned. He nodded and I looked behind him. "Oh motherfucker. That's a bunch of my students." I groaned.

He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair. "You still have a vip room so you can get away from the crowd when you need it, Finn."

I shook my head and smiled. "I'll be fine. Thank you." Drew nodded and clinked his glass against mine. I drank from mine and a figure in the distance caught my eye.

I looked around and walked into the bathroom. I fucking... it's fine. I texted Y/n and leaned against the sink.

A moment later she came walking into the bathroom. "Finn! What are you doing here?" She giggled. "I'm close with the owners. What are you doing here?"

She laughed some more and leaned against me. "Y/n. Hey."

She got on her knees and I reached over, locking the door. "Hey. You're drunk." She shook her head and rubbed my hips.

I looked away and closed my eyes for a moment. "Do you... Want me, Finn?" She asked. I thought about how risky it was.

I had seen multiple students here already. I looked down at Y/n and she was slowly unzipping my jeans.

"Hurry up then..." I mumbled. She grinned and pulled my pants down.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as her lips wrapped around my tip.

My heart was pounding. This is so risky. I could lose my j-

"Mmm, fuck!"

I looked down and Y/n was deep throating me.

She whined and I groaned at the vibration. "Finn." Y/n pulled off and I sighed. "Finn please!" She whined. "Please what?!"

Y/n pulled her dress up and underwear down. She leaned over the sink and I looked away. "Please daddy." She slurred.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Y/n... You're in trouble for this."

I grabbed her hip and aligned myself with her.

Y/n looked up at me in the mirror and I grinned. She bit her lip and I thrusted into her. "Oh fuck." She moaned.

I needed to make this quick so I just started thrusting as fast as I could. Y/n quickly became a mess beneath me, moaning and reaching back to grab me.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now