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| All Mine / Plaza |

[ Y/n ]

Paris was fun but, uneventful. It's not as glamorous as people may say. Finn walked out of the bedroom and was tying his tie.

We didn't slept much last night, we've been getting back into having sex.

It's very enjoyable.

Finn came over and kissed my forehead. He stood back up and walked back over to the counter. "What classes do you have today?" He asked.

"Sculpting." I turned my phone off and looked over at him. "You still sculpting me?" He smiled. I rolled my eyes and slouched back. "Yep. Do you know how hard it is to sculpt curly hair?"

I shook my head and Finn laughed. "Someone should've had their thoughts somewhere else, huh?"

He grabbed his bag and walked over to the door.

"I'll see you later, love you."

I waved and blew him a kiss, "Love you too Finn."

. . .

I sat at my work bench and carved away slowly at the clay. "Y/n!" I jumped and slammed my hand on the table. I turned angrily and softened as my teacher smiled.

"Mr. Wolfhard is excited for this. I hope you don't mind but I've sent him some photos."

My phone buzzed and I sighed.

"It doesn't look right."

I leaned back in my chair and he put a hand on my shoulder. "I just got clay on your shirt, sorry." I shook my head and shrugged.

"It's a sculpting shirt. Anyways, do you see that with the proportions?"

He hummed and slowly spun it. "Well my girl, I'm sorry but I think you're a perfectionist. I don't see anything wrong and... You've already redone it five times. The proportions are fine. You need to move on."

I sighed and he pat my back.

"Don't trash this one."

I nodded and he walked off to another student.


As if.

. . .

Finn opened the door and came inside, setting his bag down on the floor. He put his keys on the counter and came over to the couch.

Finn kissed my head and cuddled up with me. "What're we watching?" I played with his hair and shrugged. "It's some cooking show but like... I don't really get it I think... They're cooking for dogs?"

He laughed and got up.

"I'm going to change."

I nodded and kissed his hand before he walked back to his room. I think he's doing better... He seems better.

Finn came back out and walked past me to the balcony.

Except that.

He smokes a lot more now.

Like, a lot more.

I sighed as he shut the door and pulled a blanket over myself.

.  .  .

Finn and I were at his friends club. He said they knew I was a student so they gave us a private room for free. The first time I came here I got wasted...

God how humiliating.

They passed Finn the vape and he took a long drag.

I don't vape or smoke, I think it's stupid... But god does he look good doing it. Finn exhaled the smoke and handed it back.

"She doesn't want some?" The girl, Enya, offered.

"She's fine." Finn spoke up for me. He pulled my closer to his side and I nodded, putting my hands up and shaking my head.

"I don't smoke." I smiled.

"Alright... Do you want something to eat or drink at least? It's on us so... I mean, we have coffee."

I looked over at Finn and he smile softly at me. "Get whatever you want." I nodded and looked back at them. "Yeah, can I get a coffee? I'll take any kind."

Enya nodded and hopped up, leaving the room swiftly.

Finn got the vape back and I laid my head on his shoulder as he hit it. How long have we been here? It feels like it's been a while.

I checked the time and sighed.

It's 2 am.

"Finn, I think we need to go soon." I whispered.

He nodded and took the vape out of his mouth. "This shit is empty." He whined, tossing it back at the guy.

"Want me to get another?"

Finn shook his head no and leaned back.

"Y/n and I are gonna go after she has her coffee. She has school tomorrow."

Finn pinched my cheek playfully and I rolled my eyes, brushing him off.

"That's right... So what are you?"

"A junior." I answered. Finn nodded and kissed the side of my head. "And after you graduate will you two go public?"

I shrugged and looked to Finn.

"I mean, I'd like to." He muttered.

"Then yeah, I guess we would."

Finn smiled and kissed my head again, squeezing me a little. I grinned and his friend nodded. "Cute."

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now