Problems with beetle blades

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Minho P/O/V:

I stretch and lean against the maze doors smiling lazily as Y/N runs over adjusting the straps of her bag "Morning beautiful." she grins "Morning handsome." I lean forward kissing her gently "Did you sleep well?" she nods "Yes thank you." The familiar creak of the doors echoes around the glade and we both turn towards them "See you at dinner." I grin pressing another quick kiss to her cheek "See you at dinner."

We both run into the maze and I go right while she goes left. After running for several hours I stop to eat leaning against one of walls. A loud scuttling echoes of the wall and I turn to see three beetle blades  scuttling away into the ivy. I scowl after them but think nothing of it beginning to eat. 

Your P/O/V:

Stretching I sit leaning against the maze wall. Swinging my bag onto the floor I take out an apple and bottle of water and relax slightly. Eating my apple I stare at the blank wall opposite wondering where about Minho is. A quite clicking noise echoes around and I turn to find a beetle blade right next to my face.

I yelp and scramble backwards. It follows a small needle protruding from the front. A second appears and I push away from the wall but loose my balance stumbling into the wall opposite. A sharp pain spreads through my neck and I turn scowling to see a beetle blade scurrying away. Rubbing a hand over my neck I can feel a small bump but there is no blood and the pain is gone.

Sighing I rub my neck once more and sit back down finishing my lunch. All the beetle blades have now disappeared and the maze seems strangely quite. Once finished I pack everything away and get up running again. 

Once back in the glade I hastily draw my part of the maze before heading to the kitchen "Hey Fry." he grins "Hi Y/N, find anything interesting?" I shake my head "No, a beetle blade jabbed me in the neck but." Fry drops the pan he is holding a loud clatter filling the kitchen "A beetle blade did what?" I sigh "It was nothing." Fry shakes his head grabbing my hand "We need to talk to Alby." I stare at him confused as he drags me across the glade. Alby, Minho and Newt are sitting around an old tree stump "Fry? What's wrong?" 

I sigh "He's panicking because a beetle blade jabbed me in the neck. But its fine it doesn't hurt and there's no blood." Minho moves to my side gently moving my head to the side and running a hand over the bump. "Does that hurt?" I shake my head "Like I told you, oww." he pushes down on the bump slightly "What was that for?" he chuckles softly "I thought you said it didn't hurt." I stick my tongue out at him "Well that did."

Alby frowns "They've never got close to one of us before. It doesn't look anything like a griever sting. We're just going to have to keep an eye on it. Newt can you find Clint or Jeff?" he nods giving me a small hug before walking off. 

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