The right arm

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Your P/O/V:

Rubbing the sleep from eyes I smile slightly at the worn interior of my tent. When Vince rescued me he brought me here and I became a member of the right arm. My memories where restored and I've been helping them ever since. I push my hair out my face and pull on my worn jacket walking out into the sun. Looking around I spot Sonya and Harriet and walk over smiling. I hug them both and Sonya smiles "Hey, we're going on patrol. Care to join?" I shake my head slightly crossing my arms "Can't I promised Vince I'd help move some supplies." Harriet smiles "We'll see you when we get back then." I nod and hug them once more before walking over to the main supply tent. "Morning Vince." he grins "Hey L/N." I move to his side "How can I help?" 

We begin to sort through crates of food and weapons separating the ammunition into bags. "You still got the pistol?" I nod resting a hand on the gun strapped to a belt hanging low on my hips "Always do." he smiles slightly throwing me a second "Well now you have two." I snort out a laugh attaching it to my belt. "Thanks." he nods "You can never be to careful. Can you take these to Lillian?" I nod and take the crate of food from him "Of course." 

Lillian smiles warmly when I place the crate next to her "Thanks Y/N." I nod crouching next to her "Need a hand?" she shakes her head "No thank you." I nod and she eyes the necklace dangling in front of my shirt "Rumor is the kids in your maze made it out." I stare at her "How do you know that?" she grins "I was right about the first maze and I trust my sources." I give her a small smile "I miss them all. They've probably forgotten I exist." she gives me a light shove "Don't you dare think like that. They' d have a hard time forgetting ya. Especially your brother and boyfriend."

I give her a glare "What boyfriend?" she grins into the fire she is tending "The Minho boy. I assume he gave you the necklace. You can't hide that from me I've heard the way you say his name." I feel my face heating up and sigh running my fingers over the necklace the string well worn. "I definitely haven't forgotten them." she gives me a kind smile "They won't have forgotten you, now can you give this to Vince?" I take the folded piece of paper of her and nod "See you later Lillian." she grins and waves as I walk away. 

I hand the paper to Vince before heading to the medical tent to see if Mary needs any help. She smiles warmly when I enter "How are you?" I shrug sitting opposite her "Good, any news about your cure?" she shakes her head staring at the blood samples in front of her "No, but we'll get their eventually."

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