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I spend lots of time with Minho over the next few weeks, running with him in the maze when I can. Newt, Alby, Fry and the others use every moment they can to tease Minho and me. I walk into the kitchen and Fry smiles "Hey Y/N, how are you?" I smile "I'm great. Thought you might like some help." he smiles "But today's your day of, shouldn't you be relaxing?"

I shrug "I got bored." he smiles "Most people love a days of." I shrug again "Sure not having to wake up early was nice but after a few hours I just wanted something to do." he smiles "Well I'd be grateful for the help feeding a glade full of people isn't easy."

The two of us start cooking dinner and I start humming to myself quietly "What you humming?" I shrug "I don't know." he smiles "How's Minho?" I blush slightly "He was fine last time I checked." he grins "He said I love you yet?" I blush harder "We've been going out five weeks, don't you think it's a bit soon?" he shrugs "No idea but its kind of obvious the two of you really like each other."

He's quite for a while then says "Has he kissed you yet?" I laugh "Fry please stop questioning me." he shrugs "Sorry." I roll my eyes and hand him the finished apple pies "Would you like help with anything else?" he shakes his head "Nah I'm good." I smile "See you later." 

I walk out and find Newt and Alby sitting on one of the benches. I walk over and sit next to Newt hugging him slightly "Hey." they both smile and Newt grins "How you doing Sis?" I shrug "I'm good, bored." he grins and Alby smiles "Well we've got a new Greenie tomorrow." I nod "Every month." Newt smiles "Like clockwork."

After dinner I find Minho and sit next to leaning my head on his shoulder "How was your day?" he shrugs "It was quite, running with you is better. How was your day off?" I smile "I got bored after several hours and ended up helping Fry in the kitchen." he smiles and I kiss his cheek gently and yawn standing "Running tomorrow." he smiles "See you at the door." 

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