Memory rock

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(time skip one week)

Minho P/O/V:

I smile at Y/N's sleeping form curled into my side and lazily run my fingers through her hair. She starts stretching and looks up smiling softly "Morning Min'." I smile kissing her forehead "Morning N/N." she grins sitting up and pushing the hair out of her face "What do you plan on doing today?" I shrug "I think I'm helping Alby and Fry build the animal pens." she nods "I'm helping build some more houses I think."

She stands stretching "I'm hungry." I chuckle standing and finding something clean to put on "Lets go get something to eat then." she nods also changing. Taking her hand in mine I kiss her gently before we walk out the tent and into the sunshine. We join the others at the food tent and Y/N hugs Newt "Good morning." he grins "Morning." while we eat I look around at everyone who survived the maze. Alby, Newt, Gally, Fry, Clint, Jeff, Thomas, Chuck, Y/N and myself. I still can't quite believe we got out and survived the desert and the cranks. Someone how we all made here alive.

"What's going on?" I turn to Y/N following her gaze, a large group of people have gathered around a large rock that stands in the middle of our little village. Standing we walk over to see Vince standing with a large knife in his hands "We all know how tough it was to get here. We lost a lot of people. Friends, family and loved ones. They all deserve to be remembered. So we're going to remember them by recording their names here. We all got here alive and I think the ones we lost deserve to be here as well even if that's not in person. I'll go first."

He turns to the rock and carves in three names before holding out the knife for someone else to take. Ares steps forward and takes it adding another name to the rock. Soon their are names covering a fair portion of it. People slowly drift away until it is only our little group left. Alby takes the knife and we all stand by giving names as the dead gladers are added to the list. When we finish Thomas slowly takes the knife and adds Teresa's name near the bottom. 

Standing back we all stand in silence staring at the large quantity of names now permanently engraved in the rock. Just like the wall in the maze. 

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