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(time skip 1 month)

I wrap an arm around Minho's waist and lean my head on his shoulder while we watch the bonfire "What do you think of the new greenie?" I shrug "He seems alright." he nods and smiles "Oh I almost forgot, I have something for you." he reaches into his pocket and takes out a simple wooden necklace. It's half a heart and has our initials carved into it. "I have the other half." I grin and take it of him "It's beautiful. I love it."  I kiss his cheek and put it around my neck admiring it "Thank you." he nods "Of course."

"Oy love birds come and join us. We're wrestling." I laugh and stand pulling Minho up with me "Do we have to?" I smile and kiss his cheek gently "I'm reigning champion yes we do." he chuckles and kisses my forehead gently "Come on then." we join the others in the circle and Gally grins "So Y/N still think you can beat me?" I grin "Of course." I let go of Minho's hand and step into the circle raising my fists "Think you can face losing to a girl again?" he snorts "I think I can face loosing to you, you've definitely earned your place in the glade." I grin "Flattery won't get you anywhere."

He shrugs "Worth a shot." with in a few minutes I have him pinned, he sighs "You keep your title for another month." I grin climbing of him and giving him a hand up "No hard feelings?" he laughs clapping a hand on my arm "Nah, we're all friends here." I walk back over to Minho and he grins wrapping his arms around my waist "Well done baby." I grin and kiss him gently causing a few of the others to wolf whistle. I pull away grinning "I'm going to bed, see you in the morning." he nods and kisses me once more "Sleep well." 

I kiss his cheek and walk away "Y/N." I turn "Yes big brother?" he grins "Where is the necklace from?" I smile "Minho made me it, why?" he shrugs "Just curious," he smiles squeezing my arm gently "I'm glad your happy, he spent ages on that." I smile running my fingers over it "I love it." he nods "Sleep well." I nod "Night Newt."

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