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Minho P/O/V:

Newt sits next to me offering a small smile "I thought it would get easier." I nod slightly "Me too." he sighs looking over at the wall of names "Some times I half expect her to walk out those doors and all this was just a bad dream." I chuckle slightly running a thumb over my necklace "Did Alby tell you to come and talk to me?" he frowns "Min' you haven't smiled properly in four months. We're all worried about you." I sigh giving him a small smile "I just miss her so much. I think its my fault. She was injured, I should have stopped her." he shakes his head slightly "It's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up. She's gone and we have to accept that." he pauses pain filling his face. "We have to move on. She wouldn't want you to be miserable."

I nod slightly "I know." Newt sighs "We're going to get out of here and when we do. We'll build some sort of monument for her." I smile "She would hate it." he shrugs "All the more reason to do so. We can build one for everyone we lost to the maze." I nod "I like that idea, Alby will too." Newt nudges me with his shoulder "Come on, lets go meet the new greenie." 

I watch amused as the greenie jumps out of the box and takes of running across the glade only to stop after a minute and stare confused at everything. I help Newt up and he grins "Well he's got a lot of energy." I shake my head slightly and watch as Alby calms the kid down explaining where he is. The two of them walk of and I help un-load the supplies. Fry nudges my arm gently "Good to see you with less of a stony face." I give him a glare making him laugh "Never mind its back again." I roll my eyes slightly but smile slightly.

At the bonfire I sit with the rest of the runners managing small smiles at the jokes while the others roar with laughter. Newt walks over grinning a bottle of Gally's drink in his hand and the greenie in tow. "Hey your smiling. My speech worked." I roll my eyes giving him a small scowl causing him to laugh. "Thomas this is Minho keeper of the runners. Minho this is the new greenie." I nod slightly but don't say anything. 

Newt sits on the floor by my feet "What do the runners do?" Newt grins at the greenie "They map out the maze. Out there," he motions to the doors "Is the maze. The runners have been trying to find a way out of here." he nods slightly "Have you found anything?" I shake my head slightly opting to stay silent. "You don't talk much." Newt chuckles "Minho is a man of few words. Don't push him." the greenie nods slightly staring at me I just stare back. "What's with the necklace?" I scowl tucking it safely under my shirt. Newt shakes his head at the greenie "Some things are better left un-said." the greenie shrugs "Just curious." I stand and stalk away sitting heavily on my hammock and staring blankly at the maze walls. 

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