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Running a hand through my damp hair I clutch the necklace around my neck tightly. Finding some clean clothes I hastily attach my back and two daggers to my back before running over to the doors bouncing on the balls of my feet. "Do you know which part she went to yesterday?" I nod, the minuet the doors are open enough I take of not waiting to see if Alby is following. Slowing when we reach the section where I last saw her I turn left "This is where we split." he nods slightly "Lets go." 

After a minute I slow again "Somethings different. These walls are completely different." Alby shrugs "The maze is always changing." I shake my head slightly "These are not normal, too clean. Almost as if they are new." we continue on until we reach a dead end, I slam my palms on the wall in frustration. Alby frowns "She might have turned and gone somewhere else." I nod slightly following him back the way we came.

"What's that?" Alby speeds up slightly crouching down and picking up a small dagger. My breath catches in my throat "That's hers." he stands holding it out "I'm sorry." I shake my head tears threatening to fall down my face "No, she might have dropped it. She could still be..." I can't bring myself to say alive not wanting to consider the alternative. 

Alby squeezes my arm tightly "We're out of time. We need to head back. He tugs my arm slightly and I follow feeling empty and hollow. When we get to the glade Newt sees our solemn faces and turns away. I clutch Y/N's dagger tightly, she's gone...

Your P/O/V:

I groan putting a hand to my head as everything spins. Pushing myself into a sitting position I look around blinking in confusion. This definitely isn't the maze. I'm in a small room with pristine white walls and no door. My head clearing I stand and move around examining the walls for any sign of a door or crack. Finding nothing I sit back down in one of the corners and pull my knees up to my chest, where the hell am I?

A loud screaming sound echoes around making me jump. The sound doesn't stop and red lights start flashing around the room. Part of the wall opens revealing a silver corridor behind and two people with cloth pulled up over their faces enter. I scramble backwards pushing myself as far away from them as possible reaching for a dagger that isn't their. The one on the right holds up their hands crouching down "We're not going to hurt you. We're here to help. What's your name?" I stare at them wide eyed "Y/N." 

The person nods slightly offering me a hand "I'm Vince, come on we need to get you out of here." cautiously I reach out and take his hand, he stands pulling me to my feet "We're going to take you some where safe, okay?" I nod slightly not knowing why I trust the man. "Let's go." the other person raises a weapon of some sort and walks out the room "Come on, I promise your safe with us." I nod and manage a small smile following him out the room.

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