Day off

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Your P/O/V:

Minho takes my hand gently and the two of us walk towards the homestead "Are you hungry?" I shake my head "Just tired." he nods slightly "Does your arm hurt?" I examine the small cut "No, I'll wrap it in a minute but its only small." he smiles and nods "As long as your alright." I nod and kiss his cheek gently "Your adorable." he chuckles and we walk into the homestead to my room. I sit on the bed and wrap a piece of cloth around my wound tying it securely. Minho crouches in-front of me taking my hands gently in his "Promise me something." I smile "What?" he grins "Promise me that no matter what happens you won't forget me." I look at him confused "Why would I ever forget you?"

He shrugs "I don't know but the maze is dangerous if one of us didn't you know..." he trails of. I squeeze his hand lightly "Min I could never forget you, I love you and don't talk like that we're both going to be fine." he smiles slightly and I lean down kissing him gently "I love you too." he moves next to me on the bed and I lean my head on his shoulder. I yawn and he smiles "You should sleep." he moves as if to leave and I grab his arm "Stay?" he nods slightly and lays down next to me on the bed. I lean my head on his chest and close my eyes falling asleep quickly listing to the steady beating of his heart.

The next morning I wake slowly and blink several times trying to work out where I am. Someone moves beside me and I turn my head to find Minho on his side one arm wrapped loosely around my waist. I grin and lean up kissing his chin lightly "What time is it?" I smile "Almost breakfast." he nods slightly "You look beautiful." I blush slightly and he grins kissing me gently "We should probably get up before the others start to suspect something." I giggle and sit up leaning on my elbow "I'm going to get changed." 

He nods and turns over watching me walk over to my box of clothes "Min turn around." he grins "Why?" I roll my eyes and glare slightly at him "Turn around." he holds his hands up in defeat "Fine." he flips onto his back and flops an arm over his eyes. I roll my eyes and change my shirt and trousers leaving the dirty ones folded on the floor to wash later. "Can I look now?" I laugh "Yep, come on I'm hungry." he stands and walks over kissing my cheek "Lets go." we walk over to the kitchen and I grab a plate of eggs and toast thanking Fry. The two of us walk over to Alby and Newt and Alby grins "You two have fun last night?" Minho scowls and I blush "Nothing happened."

Newt nods "I should hope so to. I don't want to here about that." Alby laughs and turns to me "Take the day off today, I think you need it after the whole ordeal yesterday." I smile "Thanks." he nods "Of course. You to Minho." he smiles slightly and nods. Alby grins "See you kids later." he stands and walks away." I laugh and Newt grins "New greenie tomorrow." I nod and finish my food "I'm going to see if Fry wants any help in the kitchen, see you later." I kiss Minho on the cheek and wave at Newt before walking away.

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