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Minho P/O/V:

Y/N faints and I catch her before she falls of the bench "Y/N? Y/N?" Alby stands "Newt get Clint and Jeff. Minho bring her to homestead." I pick Y/N up carefully and walk next to Alby "Do you think she'll be okay?" he sighs "I hope so, lets just hope its not like a griever sting." I nod and we walk into homestead, I lay her down on one of the beds in the main room. Clint, Jeff and Newt run in and Newt stands next to me and Alby while Clint and Jeff check her over.

Clint sighs "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Her breathing's normal. Her heart rate's normal. She's just unconscious." Alby frowns "Can you wake her up?" they both shake their heads "No, we're just going to have to wait and see." I sigh and crouch next to her head running a hand through her hair. The others leave and I sit leaning against the opposite wall trying to stay awake.

Your P/O/V:

Images and memories flick through my head and I try to make sense of it all. But it all goes so fast. I see faces and people in white coats. Some of the faces I recognize: Minho, Newt, Alby. But others I don't know there is a another boy around the same image and a girl with dark wavy hair. There is also two adults who keep popping up with a young blond boy who looks a lot like Newt. As well as faces the word WICKED keeps coming up everywhere. I try and fight against them wanting to wake up but more memories keep coming up.

Eventually everything goes blank and I open my eyes staring at a wooden ceiling. There is sunlight streaming through the small holes in the wall and I sit up. I put a hand to my head and scowl at the thumping headache I have. Looking around the room I recognize it as the homestead Minho is sitting on the floor his head leaning back on the wall "Minho?" he starts and stands "Your awake?" I nod slightly and he smiles "How do you feel? Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" 

I smile "I'm fine." the door opens and Newt and Alby walk in. Newt grins and hugs me lightly "Bloody hell you scared the clunk out of us." I smile "Sorry." the three of them sit on the bed opposite and Alby frowns slightly "Did you see anything?" I frown "How did you know I saw things?" Newt raises his eyebrows "So it is like what happens with the grievers." I stare at them confused "Well I have no idea about that. But I saw flashes of what I think where memories and the word WICKED kept coming up."

Minho frowns "That's what is printed on our supply boxes." I nod "It was weird it felt so real. I think I saw our parents." I stare at Newt and he looks shocked "What?" I nod "At least I think they where our parents." he smiles and Alby sighs "Did you see anything useful. About the maze?" I shake my head "Sorry no, I saw lots of people in white coats. What looked like a room full of viles and needles and the work WICKED, if that's any help?" he nods "Thanks." 

Newt and Alby leave and I stand stumbling forward, Minho catches me grinning "I guess your falling for me." I blush and roll my eyes "I fell for you ages ago." he grins and kisses me gently "Alby said we can't have any more days of for two months. No matter the circumstances." I smile and shrug slightly "Ah well." he laughs and kisses me again "I'm glad your okay." I nod smiling "What should we do today?" I shrug "Let's just relax." he nods kissing my cheek "What every you want."

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