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Your P/O/V:

"Morning Newt." he grins turning around "Hey Y/N, how you feeling?" I shrug "Better thanks. See you tonight." he nods giving me a quick hug "Yea, see you later." I run to the maze entrance and wrap my arms around Minho's neck kissing him gently grinning "Love you Min'." he chuckles kissing me softly "I love you to baby." 

The doors slowly begin to creak and groan opening up to reveal the maze behind. "Ready?" I nod squeezing his hand "See you later." we both run together until we reach a junction, with one last kiss we split of Minho running Left and me running right.

A loud creaking echoes around the maze and I freeze when the walls start moving around me. Letting out a yelp I turn and take of back towards the maze watching in horror as the gap closes blocking of the way back to the glade. Scowling I turn watching the walls shift to form a narrow passage, well I don't have any options. Drawing my dagger I slowly walk forward entering a part of the maze I have never seen before. Spinning around slowly I blink hard as my vision goes blurry, rubbing my eyes slightly I think I can see a person approaching but everything goes dark.

Minho P/O/V:

Not again. Not again. Not again. Come on Y/N you can make. You've got to. I continue staring into the maze panic and fear slowly taking over. Someone puts a hand on my shoulder making me jump "Minho." I shake my head "No, she still has time." Alby squeezes my shoulder lightly "I hope so." Newt limps over standing on my other side "We shouldn't have let her go with that thing on her neck." I shake my head "She's going to make it back." Gally, Fry and a couple of others walk over.

I watch in horror as the doors begin to rumble shut. No. No. No. The gap closes fully and my knees give out. Newt kneels next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Slowly the others walk away leaving the two of us. Alby stays staring at the closed doors blankly. I don't relies I am crying until my vision turns slightly blurry. Newt stands shakily "She might... It is possible..." he doesn't finish and turns away walking slowly towards the homestead. I don't move or even notice when Alby walks away as well leaving me alone. 

Wiping my face I push myself up before turning and running into the trees collapsing into tears once more when I reach a small clearing. "Minho. Min'. Wake up." I groan batting the persons hand away. "Tell me it was all a dream. It's not true." Alby's face comes into view looking grave "Come on. We're going to look for her. You need a shower first though." I nod using the tree to stand "How long till the doors open?" he sighs "An hour." I nod and he tilts his head slightly grimacing "You look awful." I glare at him as we walk back to the glade, Newt meets us by the showers red faced and puffy eyed.

He gives us both a small smile "Morning'." Alby sighs "Did either of you sleep longer than an hour?" Newt shrugs slightly and I shake my head "I don't know. But I'm coming with you." he nods "I'm not going to stop you. Shower and meet me by the doors." 

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