Beetle blade

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Your P/O/V:

I yawn and sit up blinking confused at the walls of the homestead. Stretching I stand and change into something clean before grabbing my pack, water bottle and two knives. I strap the knives onto my back and run to the kitchen smiling at Fry "Good morning." He smiles " Morning Y/N. " he fills my water bottle and hands me good which I put carefully into my pack slinging it onto my back "Thanks." He nods "Have fun." I grin "Always do."

I run over to the maze door and hug Minho kissing him gently "Hey." he smiles "Morning beautiful." I blush slightly and we watch the doors creak open. The other runners disappear inside and I smile "See you at dinner." he nods and we both run into the maze splitting to our respectable sections.

After running for several hours I stop and drink some water and eat my apple before starting running again. A catch sight of several beetle blades but think nothing of them and continue running. Deciding that I've gone far enough I stop and lean against one of the walls sliding down to the floor and taking the food out of my pack eating it slowly. Something sharp hits my neck and I turn to see a beetle blade scuttling back under the vines. Scowling I place a hand to my neck and it comes away red. I rip of a piece of my shirt and press it to the small cut, what the hell did it do?

Once it has stopped bleeding I shove the bloody cloth into my pack and stand running back to the glade. Waving at a few of the gladers I run to the map room. Pulling a piece of paper and a pencil towards me I start sketching my part of the maze. Everything goes fuzzy for a moment and I shake my head trying to clear it. "Hey you." I smile and turn around "Hey gorgeous." he chuckles and sits down at the table "How are you?" I shrug and scratch the back of my neck "I got cut by a beetle blade but other than that it was fine." 

He stands suddenly walking over taking my face in his hands and tilts it to the side examining the small cut on my neck "Are you okay?" I nod taking his hands in mine "I'm fine." he smiles and kisses me lightly "I'll see you at dinner then." I walk out the map room and over to the others who are just sitting down to eat "Hey." Newt side hugs me and the others wave smiling. "Find anything interesting?" I shake my head "Sorry no. I did get bit or something by a beetle blade." Alby looks concerned "What?" I shrug "A beetle blade cut my neck then disappeared." Newt looks at my neck "Bloody hell."

I bat his hand away "It's only small." he shrugs "Beetle blades have never done anything like this before." Alby nods "Did anything else happen?" I shake my head "I had a couple of dizzy spells but other than that no." he nods and Minho walks over sitting down "Hey." I smile "Hi." he sits down and takes a piece of bread of my plate "Hey." he grins "What?" I scowl "Get your own food." he smiles and kisses my cheek.

Sighing I lean my head on Minho's shoulder trying to listen to the others conversation. Eventually I end up zoning everything out, my mind fogs over and flashes of strange images go through my mind. I blink several times and sit up "You okay?" I smile at Minho and nod trying to clear my vision. "You look blurry." I tilt my head to the side and everything goes dark. "Y/N? Y/N?"

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