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I pause to watch Y/N walk of then turn and walk off towards the gardens were I know Newt will be. I spot his blond head bent over a tomato plant and walk over "Hey Newt, know were Alby is?" he jumps and looks up "Bloody hell Minho." I shrug "Sorry." he puts his hands on his hips "Why do you want Alby?" I copy his movements "To tell him about your sister." Newt smiles and raises an eyebrow "How'd she do?" 

"Very well." I manage a small smile Newt laughs and pokes my shoulder "Didn't scare her off with your staring?" I scowl "I haven't been staring!" Newt laughs again "You really have, most of the glade know you like her." I scowl "Are you going to tell me were Alby is or not?" he smirks "Come on." we walk side by side him smiling me scowling.

I spot Alby standing by the wall of names and we walk over. He laughs "What's wrong with you?" he punches my arm and Newt laughs "He doesn't want to admit he likes my sister." Alby looks at Newt "I'm surprised you're not telling him to leave her alone." Newt shrugs "I trust Minho." I sigh "Fine maybe I like Y/N a little, anyway I wanted to tell you that I think she would make an amazing runner." Alby nods "I think that would be the best idea she was good at everything else as well and she is strong."

I nod and go to walk off but Alby grabs my shoulder "As head of this glade and your freind I say you should ask Y/N out as I believe she likes you back." I scowl "Not going to happen." They both laugh and I walk off leaving them clutching each other laughing. I'm not looking where I'm going and walk into someone. They fall to the ground and I look up to see Y/N sprawled on the floor. I offer her my hand and pull her up "Sorry." she smiles "That's okay, do you know where Newt is." I point towards the wall were Alby and Newt are still laughing.

She tilts her head and asks "Why are they laughing?" I scowl thinking of something to say "Don't know." she nods and walks off humming quietly. I smile to myself and walk to the small woods in the glade. I lean against one of the trees and close my eyes feeling something digging into my thigh. I look down and see the small dagger that Y/N had in the glade. I take it out of my pocket and see a piece of paper tied to it.

I untie it and find in a neat script I like you I smile widely and read it over and over. Did Y/N really write this? How the hell did she give it to me? I put the paper in my pocket and smile staring off at the wall. She really does like me back and I thought Alby and Newt were just messing with me.

Your P/O/V:

I walk over to Newt and Alby who are both snickering. I smile hoping that Minho finds my knife and note. "What are you to laughing about?" Newt shrugs "Nothing." I nod "Hey do you know were Minho ran off to?" I nod "He went to the woods, what did you tell him?" Alby and Newt look at each other and smirk "We just got him to admit to some stuff." I tilt my head to the side "What stuff?" They both go silent "Well why don't you ask him." I sigh and walk away towards where I saw Minho.

I hum to myself while I clamber over the tree roots trying to find Minho. I hear someone talking and walk towards it. I peek around a nearby tree and see Minho standing staring at a tree and talking to it. I stifle a laugh and watch as he flourishes his hands "Y/N I really like you, and was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" he sighs "No that's stupid." he sits down and runs his fingers through his hair "I can not do this." I walk around the tree "What can't you do?" 

He jumps "Oh erm, it doesn't matter." I sit opposite him "You can trust me." his face goes red and I lean closer to him "What time should I meet you?" he blushes hard "W-what?" I smile "I heard most of what you said to the tree." he smiles and leans backwards "Meet me here about an hour after dinner." I nod and kiss his cheek before walking away towards the main part of the glade.

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