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(time skip 1 day)

Minho P/O/V:

I join the others around the box listing to the familiar clunking and groaning as it rises up from where ever it comes from. The top opens up and Newt jumps down helping the boy to his feet. He looks up at us confused "Where am I?" Newt grins "Welcome to the glade greenie." he looks confused as we help him out the box. Newt stays and starts handing up supplies. The boy stares around in wounder and Alby smiles "Do you remember your name?" he looks confused for a moment before nodding "Its Lee." Alby smiles hitting him on the shoulder lightly "Welcome to the glade Lee." 

The two walk of and I sigh staring of at the maze door wondering when Y/N will be back. Newt nudges me in the side "What's wrong with you?" I frown "Nothing." he grins "She'll be back in a couple of hours." I nod and go to the map room to distract myself. I completely lose track of time looking through old maps. Someone puts their hands over my eyes and I scowl until they say "Guess who?" I grin and stand turning to face Y/N "Your back." she grins and kisses me lightly before sitting down at the table pulling a piece of paper and pencil towards her. I wrap my arms around her waist and lean my head on her shoulders.

"Min I need to concentrate." I grin and kiss her cheek "Min." I smile "What?" she sighs "Stop distracting me." I chuckle "Distracting?" she nods and I pull away leaning on the table next to her "How's your arm?" she smiles continuing her drawing "It's fine thank you." she finishes her drawing and places it in the respective box. "Can I distract you now?" she laughs and wraps her arms around my neck "I don't see why not." I lean down kissing her gently running my hands through her hair before settling them on her waist. 

I pull away quickly when I hear the door opening and Newt sticks his head inside "Bonfire time." Y/N grabs my hand and pulls me outside. I smile slightly following her reluctantly. The three of us join the others and the greenie and Alby walk over. "Lee this is Minho head of the runners and Y/N Newts sister." Y/N smiles and waves slightly "It's nice to meet you." he nods slightly staring at her "You to." she smiles "How are you liking the glade?" he shrugs slightly continuing to stare at her "Its nice. Your the only girl?" she nods and he grins "Your very beautiful I don't see how the others can control themselves if you know what I mean." 

 I scowl and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her close. "That's because she is taken." he looks shocked and shifts on his feet awkwardly before walking away without a word. Alby and Newt snort with laughter "Poor guy looked bloody terrified." Alby nods "Don't mess with big bad Minho." the two of them walk away and Y/N turns to me laughing slightly "Were you jealous of him?" I shrug slightly "No, I just didn't like the way he was looking at you."

She smiles and kisses me gently "You know I love you and only you Minho." I smile softly at her and someone yells "MINHOS SMILING GUYS LOOK." I scowl in their general direction and they all erupt into laughter. Y/N grins and kisses my cheek "I love you Min." I smile at her "I love you to Y/N so much. That's why I'm protective." she smiles and squeezes my hand gently "I think it's cute."

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