The maze!

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I wake to someone shaking my shoulder gently Minho is smiling down at me "Rise and Shine Running time." I smirk "Did you just come up with that now?" he shrugs "Yep." I roll my eyes and sit up pushing back the thin blanket I was sleeping under. "Come on we'll go find you some clothes." I follow him through the dim lighted Glade and down some steps into some kind of hidden room which is full of boxes. 

"Help me." I raise an eyebrow and scowling he says "Please." I smile "Certainly." I walk over and help him lift one of the boxes to reveal a smaller box underneath "This is full of girl clothes they should fit." I find some clothes and a rucksack and glare at Minho he holds up his hands and walks up the stairs. I put on the below outfit:

I rummage around in the box and find some boots and start lacing them up "You look good to go

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I rummage around in the box and find some boots and start lacing them up "You look good to go." I smile and nod picking up a long knife "Weapons?" he smiles "The maze is a dangerous place. Let's go get food and water." he chucks me a water bottle and we walk to the kitchen were Fry is waiting. "A hearty good morning to you." he smiles and fills our water bottles and hands them back with a small amount of food. Then Minho an I walk over to the Maze door.

Slowly it starts to rumble open and Minho punches my arm lightly and I turn my head to look at him "Your ready?" I nod and he starts running. I follow and we run moving left and right through the maze. After about an hour we stop and Minho opens his rucksack pulling out his water bottle I do the same and take a few sips. "You tired?" I shake my head "No." and he smiles "That's good."

He points at the wall "We remember the pattern of the maze and record it in the map room." I nod and put my water away. "Let's go." we run and continue turning left and right through the maze. After another couple of hours of running, we stop and Minho turns glancing at his watch. "Time for lunch." I smile and sit opposite him on the floor. "Can I ask a personal question?" I ask biting into an apple he shrugs "Yes but I may not answer."

"Why are you always so moody?" he ponders "I don't know, I just am." He smiles slightly "Why'd you ask?" I smile "Just curious." he nods and finishes his apple I look down and rummage through my bag. I notice Minho staring and smile slightly I take a small dagger out the bottom f my bag and look up. Minho looks away hastily and I ask "Why were you staring?" he blushes "I wasn't." I twirl the dagger "Then why are you blushing?" he blushes harder "I'm not."

I laugh "You are." he scowls and gets up "Come on we're heading back to the glade." I do my bag up and slide the dagger into my waistband. We set off running again and I see something metallic crawling along the wall "What's that metal thing?" Minho grunts "beetle blade." we continue running and I see the glade entrance appear in the distance. We run through and Minho runs towards a large concrete building and spins the metal wheel on the door. It springs open and we slip in Minho shutting the door behind us.

Minho P/O/V:

I watch Y/N walk around the room, she is very beautiful. Her H/C hair falls over her shoulders and her eyes are a startling E/C. I love her smile and she is just generally a nice person. I think she knows I like her as she caught me staring but I don't want to tell her.

She turns to me "What is all this?" I walk over "These are drawings of the maze." I hand her a piece of a paper and pencil "I hope you were paying attention." she nods and sits down putting the pencil to paper. I watch as her hand moves across the paper leaving a perfect sketch of the part we just ran. I smile and say "Well done." she looks over her shoulder and smiles "Thanks."

I put her drawing away in one of the many chests and head to the door Y/N following. It swings open and two runners walk in. "Hey Minho, your back early." I nod and tilt my head towards Y/N "I had Y/N with me." they nod and one winks at Y/N. I scowl and walk out before turning to Y/N "You can do what you want until dinner, I'm going to find Alby and Newt." she nods and walkss of.

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