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A loud yelling comes from outside and Mary stands running outside. I follow shortly after wondering what is going on. Sonya and Harriet run over dragging a blond boy behind them. "Y/N this is Ares. Ares this is our friend Y/N." I smile "Nice to meet you." Sonya grins grabbing my hand "You won't believe who we found while scouting." I raise my eyebrows at her "Care to tell me?" she shakes her head "No, come on." 

I let her drag me over to a small group and sigh "Sonya what..." I freeze staring at the group in front of us. Alby, Fry, Clint, Jeff and Gally are all standing there. A small whimper comes out of my mouth before I lunge at Fry who is closest and hug him tightly. "Your alive." Fry laughs "So are you." I hug Clint, Jeff and Alby before turning to Gally grinning "You know I even missed you." he chuckles and I hug him lightly. Alby grins "How? We all thought you where dead?" I shake my head slightly "I don't really know. I fainted in the maze and woke up in a white room then Vince found me and brought me here."

I look around the smile falling from my face "Did no one else make it out?" Alby smiles softly "Four others, come on." he walks over to another group of people, Vince has a pistol held loosely in one hand and Mary is crouching down by a girl who seems to unconscious. She helps pick the girl up and takes her away. I turn to Vince who gives me a small smile "Bloody hell," I turn slowly grinning "Newt!" I run forward wrapping my arms around him tightly not caring that I am crying "Your here. Your okay." 

I pull away and a small boy with curly hair looks between us confused "Who's the girl?" the dark haired boy next to him shrugs "No idea." I turn to them only to freeze when he appears next to them. He hasn't changed at all. "Y/N?" his voice is almost a whisper and I can feel fresh tears falling down my face. Newt pushes me lightly from behind "Bloody hell will you go and hug him." I stumble forward before leaping into Minho's arms wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Your alive?" I grin leaning my forehead against his running my fingers through his hair gently letting out a watery laugh "I'm alive." 

Not caring that we are surrounded by people and most are probably staring right at us I lean forward closing the gap between us. His lips are slightly chapped but still soft and warm. Tangling my fingers in his hair I pull away for breath grinning "I missed you so much." he chuckles "I missed you to, more than I can say." I put my feet back on the ground and take a deep breath before turning back to the others leaning my back onto Minho's chest. The dark haired and curled haired boys look at us confused "Someone mind filling me in?" Newt chuckles "Tommy this is my sister, Y/N. Y/N this is Thomas and Chuck." I smile "Nice to meet you." 

Chuck grins "Well at least we now know why Minho was always so grumpy." Thomas laughs "How did you get out the maze?" I sigh "WICKED decided I wasn't helping the experiment so removed me. Vince found me in one of their compounds and brought me here. What about you guys? Did you solve the maze?" Minho chuckles into my ear wrapping his arms around my waist "Thomas worked it out." I smile brightly and Vince clears his throat slightly "Well its good to see you all happy. But we leave tomorrow, so get a good nights sleep and we'll explain everything in the morning." he smiles and walks away.

I survey the familiar faces of the gladers in front of me not fully believing they're there. "I missed you all so much." Newt grins "Same here." Alby nods surveying the group "I'm glad we all got out." I nod not questioning what happened to the others already knowing. "Lets go get some food and you can tell me how you got out." Minho lets go of my waist and take his hand in mine "Come on."

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