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(Your P/O/V)

The village has grown considerabley since we arrived, three years we've been here safe and free. Permanent houses, farm land, a community area in the middle where we gather regulary. We've all become very close creating a new life. Minho and I have been living together since the beginning. Newt, Thomas and Chuck are sharing, Alby, Fry and Gally in a second and Clint and Jeff in a third. Everyone works and helps in their own way working on the farm, making clothes, making pots, fixing houses. It's just like being back in the glade.

Yawning I reach out across the bed finding it cold and empty. Sitting up I look around confused, Minho is always here. Standing I change and walk down to the kitchen making myself a mug of coffee trying to find any sign of where Minho has got too. Not finding anything I walk out the house and over to Newts knocking on the door



"Have you seen Min anywhere?"

"Nope, try the beach." 

"The beach?"

"Saw him walk past this morning."

Confused I head down to the beach waving and smiling at people as I pass stopping to give Vince and Mary a hug. "Have either of you seen Minho?" Vince smiles warmly
"Try the beach." I sigh and walk over the hill spotting Minho on the sand staring out over the sea "Min?" he turns smiling "Morning N/N, sleep well?" I nod wrapping my arms around his waist "You okay?" he nods kissing my cheek "Yea, just fancied a morning walk. I miss running you know?" I smile "You can run here." he nods "I know. I'm glad we got out and I'm so happy I found you again. I'm never letting you go again." I chuckle softly and he continues "I love you so much Y/N and we've been through a lot together. I want to spend the rest of my life making memories with you." 

He turns dropping onto one knee taking one my hands in his holding up a silver ring "Will you spend the rest of your life making memories with me? Y/N will you marry me?" I gape searching for words managing to nod "Yes. Of course." he stands slipping the ring onto my finger as I jump into his arms grinning "I love you Minho so much." he chuckles kissing me gently "I love you too Y/N." After a minute I drop back to my feet kissing him once more "Did the others know?" he nods "Yea, I wasn't sure how to ask or what to say. Newt and Vince helped the most." I grin kissing him once more "You're adorable."


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Harriet, Sonya and Mary walk into the room smiling brightly "Everyone is ready." I turn swishing my skirts "I love this dress." Mary chuckles "I'm glad." it is a very pale blue cut to fit my shape and made from an old blanket but its beautiful. Harriet hands me a small bouquet of wild flowers and I hug the three of them tightly "Okay, I'm ready." the three of them disappear Vince appearing in the doorway looking cleaner than normal and as though he has brushed his hair "You look beautiful." I smile looping my arm through his "Thank you."

We walk outside where the whole village has gathered on two sides with the gladers at the front all grinning like idiots. Minho is standing at the very front with Newt and Liam who is officiating. Minho looks handsome as ever wearing a white shirt and black trousers hair combed back slightly. I kiss Vince on the cheek before taking Minho's hand kissing his cheek "You look beautiful N/N." 

Newt takes my bouquet and hands Minho and me our rings, simple silver bands but beautiful none the less, Liam smiles warmly "Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family we have all gathered today to celebrate the bonds of love that these two share. Minho, Y/N please share with us your vows."

I take a deep breath slipping the ring onto Minho's hand "Min, we didn't exactly meet under ideal circumstances but I wouldn't of had it any other way. In the maze I found friends that became my family and the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I promise to love you through everything and never leave your side. My best friend, my soul mate and now my husband. I love you."

He grins "Y/N, I don't think there are enough words to express how much you mean to me. Your talented, beautiful inside and out and have an incredible personality that I fall in love with a bit more everyday. I promise to stay by you through what ever may come our way and I love you so much." 

Liam smiles brightly "I now pronounce you husband and wife and wish you a lifetime of happiness together. You may kiss the bride." I can't stop smiling as we kiss wrapping my arms around his neck "I love you Min." he chuckles kissing me again "And I you."

Happy ending:

"In the garden." I walk out smiling widely at the scene in front of me. Newt and Alby are sitting on the ground with Newt's daughter, Alby's two sons and Minho and my three children playing some sort of game with a ball. Minho walks to my side our youngest Kas in his arms "Mummy." I grin taking him from Minho "Hey baby, how was your day?" he grins "We played with uncle Newt and Alby all day." Minho wraps an arm around my waist kissing my forehead "How was your day?" I smile "Excellent, but this just made it a lot better." 

Kas starts to wriggle so I put him down watching him happily run over to the others joining his two sisters on the ground. Minho wraps both arms around my waist from behind pulling me into his chest leaning his head on top of mine while we watch our little family "I don't know what I did to deserve you or our beautiful family." I grin looking up "I love you Minho." he grins kissing me gently "I love you too." Kas, Abbie and Jess come barreling at us screaming "Hugs." Laughing we both lean down joining them on the ground in a tangle of limbs Newt and Alby howling with laughter in the background. I laugh kissing the three of them on the forehead, our family.

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