The box

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I wake up to appear to be in a moving metal cage. I rub my head and look up there is an upcoming ceiling. I yell and close my eyes waiting for impact. But it never comes the cage comes to a jarring halt and I fall over. I cover my eyes and look up at the sunlight pouring through the ceiling, I can just make out the outline of several what appear to be guys. The ceiling opens and a boy with scruffy blond hair jumps down. "It's a girl." the boy has a strong British accent "Who the bloody hell are you?" I say my own British accent coming through slightly.

"Newt she sounds just like you." a voice says from above I scowl "Where I am?" the boy smiles "Welcome to the glade." he offers me a hand. I ignore it and stand up. I pull myself up out of the box and stare around at the glade. It is a square and enclosed by a large wall. I am surrounded by about fifteen guys all around the same age. 

Two are holding a rope and are lowering it into the cage. Newt appears smiling slightly "She's a strong one." A dark-skinned boy approaches me "I'm Alby, welcome to the glade," I smile slightly and he says "I'm the leader here, and you've already met Newt my second in command." I nod and he smiles "Do you remember anything?" I shake my head "Yes. Y/N" 

Alby nods "Well welcome to the glade Y/N." I cross my arms and smile "Thanks." he offers his hand but I ignore it again "I'll show you around." he turns and walks away and I follow. After the tour of the glade and meeting some of the other gladers like Frypan and Winston. Alby leads me over to a large hut that's locked. "This is were the runner's record everything about the maze."

I raise an eyebrow "Maze?" he looks surprised "Did I forget about that, outside those walls is a maze. Ever since we got here we've been trying to solve it." I nod "Right." I look around "So everyone has there place." Alby nods "Yes, now come on." I follow him to an open area with tables dotted around. "Time to eat. You can sit with us." I grab a plate of food and follow Alby over to a table where: Newt, Frypan and a dark-haired boy are sitting. 

"Minho I don't think you've met our newest glader." I smile slightly "Hi." Minho just nods and goes back to his food. Newt laughs "Ignore him." I sit down next to Newt and Frypan gasps "You to look similar. Same eyes, same face shape." I look at Newt and tilt my head to the side "I guess so."

Newt laughs "Maybe we're related." I smile and nod "Brother?Cousin?" Alby smirks and Newt slaps his arm "Don't even suggest it." Alby looks at Newt "Father." I laugh "I don't see your logic we're the same age." Alby shrugs "Just trying to get Newt back for kissing me." I laugh "I may have only known you a day but how the hell did that happen?" 

Alby launches into a story about how the glade got drunk except Alby and ended up playing truth or dare. Newt got dared to kiss someone and chose Alby. At the end, everyone at the table is laughing except Minho who is just about smiling.

Newt elbows me and smiles "Minho smiled." I tilt my head to the side "Is that odd." Frypan nods and gives Minho a shove he scowls "I smile just only when I feel the need to." I smile at him "So you only smile when you want to." he nods "Pretty much." Newt grabs my hand "Well come on newly found relative its bonfire time."He starts dragging me over to a large fire where the whole glade has gathered. A few bottles are being passed around which I guess contain alcohol. I follow Newt around and talk to a few of the gladers.

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