I promise

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Once I've finished helping Alby and Fry I walk over to the building where Y/N is supposed to be working "Thomas, you seen Y/N?" he looks up "She just left, I think she went to the main supply shed." I nod "Thanks." I walk over and spot Y/N just walking out the shed a large crate in her arms. She smiles brightly "Hey Min', you okay?" I nod smiling "Great, you nearly done?" she nods "Yep. I just have to take this to the kitchens." 

I walk by her side "How was your day?" she beams "Great actually. We finished two more houses and the trees we planted have started sprouting." I smile "That's good." she nods and I open the kitchen tent flap so she can walk inside "Hi Lillian, here's the crate you asked for." the lady who I recognize from around turns smiling "Thank you Y/N, can you just put it on that table over there." Once she has put it down we walk back out into the sunshine. 

"Would you like to go for a walk?" she nods and I take her hand in mine leading her down to the beach. We walk in a comfortable silence and I watch her as she happily looks around at everything with a large smile on her face. We stop when we get to the end of the beach and we both turn watching the small waves roll onto the beach. Taking a deep breath I turn to face Y/N.

Your P/O/V:

"Y/N?" I smile looking up at him "Yes?" Minho takes both my hands in his "I love you so much. And I can't bear the thought of losing you again. I know we are only young. But I can't imagine ever loving any one else. Will you promise me something?" I nod slightly still absorbing his words "Promise to stay with me here? I swear I will do everything to make you happy, I'll love you forever." 

I beam feeling tears falling down my face "I promise." I lean up kissing him gently while wrapping my arms around his neck tangling one hand in his hair. "I promise." he smiles into the kiss wrapping his own arms around my waist "I love you Y/N." I lean my forehead against his "I love you to Minho." I press my lips once more to his.

We turn slightly still wrapped in each others arms and watch the sun set enjoying the moment and wondering what is to come. Safe and free.

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