Safe and free

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"Wake up lovebirds." I groan giving my brother the finger before sitting up pushing my hair out of my face "Morning to you to." he chuckles "Breakfast is nearly over." I nod slightly and stand turning to Minho who is sitting up rubbing his eyes "What time is it?" I check my watch "Five in the morning. Come on you can sleep on the ship. We need to get going before WICKED tracks us all down." he nods and I pick up my bag taking out some clean clothes.

After a hasty shower I change into my clean clothes and strap a gun to my side and a knife to my leg. Grabbing an apple I walk over to Vince, Mary, Sonya and Harriet. "Morning." I hug Sonya and Harriet "Any sign of anything?" Vince shakes his head "Not yet, lets hope it stays that way." I nod turning to face the ship in front of us "Everything ready?" Mary nods "Yes. We have supplies to last three years and grain and materials to help build a new life. We are as ready as we ever will be." Vince nods gripping the gun at his side tightly "Lets get everyone on board."

People start rushing around carrying around last minute supplies and packing everything away leaving only the bare buildings we originally found. I walk over to the gladers taking Minho's hand in mine "Ready?" he nods kissing my cheek lightly "Are you?" I smile squeezing his hand and smiling at the others "Let's go." Newt grins "Any idea where we are going?" I shake my head laughing "Nope." he nods "Right then. After you." we join the crowd of people walking onto the ship and to our room. Each group has been assigned a room ours is near the front. 

Dropping of our belongings Newt, Minho and myself all walk to the very front of the ship looking out over the vast sea in front of us seemingly stretching on for ever. "I still can't believe we got out of that bloody maze." I smile leaning my head on my brothers shoulders "Well believe it. We're a long way from there now." he grins "I know." Minho sighs "Where ever we end up. It'll be better than the maze. No walls penning us in and no mental scientists examining us." I laugh and close my eyes listing to the waves lapping against the side of the ships "A new life. Safe and together. Almost sounds to good to be true." 

We all jump when a loud horn blows behind us followed by a chorus of cheering as the boat slowly but surly starts to move forward. I turn and run up a series of steps to the top deck where Mary and Vince are both standing along with the other leaders of the right arm. "I can't believe this actually worked." Mary wraps an arm around Vince's waist "We are all safe now." he nods and I follow his gaze towards the coast that is quickly growing smaller disappearing from view before we all turn to look at the empty sea in front of us. Safe and free.

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