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Your P/O/V:

Once we've all eaten we turn to the front of the room where Vince has stepped up onto a crate "We are all here today because we survived. We survived the flare and we survived WICKED. Tomorrow we start a new life of freedom. Tomorrow we sail to a new land we're we all will be safe." everyone cheers and claps raising their drinks up into the air. Vince bows his head slightly and steps down walking towards us "Y/N can I have a word." I nod and stand squeezing Minho's hand gently before letting go and following Vince outside.

"Is there a problem?" he shakes his head smiling softly "No, but we found some files on your maze and I wanted to give them to you." he hands me a small flat computer screen "Its all of your histories and data from the maze." I turn the screen on the WICKED logo flashes up momentarily before a list of names appears alphabetically. "Thank you." he nods squeezing my shoulder "Your welcome. You deserve to know where you came from. I suppose its a thank you for all your help." I smile hugging him tightly "Its me who should be thanking you. If you hadn't found me I would probably would be rotting in a cell somewhere in a WICKED compound." 

He chuckles hugging me back "Well tomorrow we all will be safe and all of this will have been worth it." I nod letting go and clutching the screen to my chest "Goodnight Vince." he smiles "Goodnight Y/N." I walk back into the tent and over to Minho and the others laying the screen on the table. Newt leans forward "What is that?" I smile "All of our histories and information from the maze." he grins and Alby lets out a low whistle "Lets have a read." I nod and turn the screen on clicking on Alby's name which is first and hand it to him.

The screen gets passed around until it reaches Minho. I lean my head on his shoulder as he clicks on his name reading over his shoulder. He smiles slightly "We new each other." I nod slightly and Newt grins "Apparently having our memories wiped didn't prevent us from all still being friends." Minho hands me the screen and I click on my name reading a little about mine and Newts parents before scrolling down "We are all immune then. That's a relief." Chuck nods smiling brightly "Do you think we'll ever see our parents again?" Thomas shrugs "Who knows. It is possible." he nods and I yawn turning the screen of "I'll show you to the barracks. Come on." 

We all stand and walk through to a room lined with bunk beds three high. We stop at the very end "These are ours. I flop down onto one of the bottom bunks sighing contently placing the screen next to my bag on the floor. Minho lays next to me and I wrap my arms around his waist leaning my head on his chest. He kisses my forehead gently whispering "Night love." I smile sleepily whispering back "Night Min'." 

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