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I see two people fighting and walk over. "Newt whos the tall one with the funky eyebrows?" Newt laughs "Gally." he offers me a bottle "Want some?" I take it and have a few gulps before handing it back to Newt "What the hell is that stuff?" he shrugs "We don't know Gally makes it. No ones died from it yet so I guess it's okay." I laugh "Newt I reckon you're my brother." he nods "I agree, well hello little sis." I smile "Hello big bro."

"Well hello, new greenie?" I turn to see Gally towering over me "Gally right." he nods and bends down "Do you reckon you could beat me." I shrug "Maybe." I follow Gally into a circle that is marked on the floor. "Newt hold this." I chuck my jacket at him leaving me in a t-shirt and khaki trousers.

 smile at Gally "I'll go easy on you." he laughs "Really." he lunges at me and I duck he stumbles and I drive my elbow into his neck. He falls to the ground and I smile at him "Beginners luck." He gets up and throws another punch I duck again and kick him in the stomach. He scowls and I realise the rest of the gladers have gathered around.

"Looks like Gallys met his match," Alby yells a few people laugh. Gally scowls "We'll see." he lunges and knocks me over. He pins my hands above my head and smiles "I w..." I knee him in the crotch and roll us over so I am on top of him "Nope."

I get of him and offer him a hand. He takes it and I pull him up. "I guess I win." I smile and walk away "See you around Gally." I walk over to Newt and he gives me a hug "My sister the badass." I laugh and hug him back. I yawn and Newt grabs my arm "Come on time to sleep, I'll show you where you will be sleeping." 

He leads me to a large building which I remember Alby calling homestead. Newt opens a door to reveal a small room with a bed against the far wall. "We voted as your the only girl you can have your own room." I smile slightly "Thanks." he leaves and I claps on the bed falling asleep pretty much instantly.

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