New home

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(time skip two weeks)

I smile at the gladers all sitting in a circle in our room drinking, laughing and joking around. This is my family. Minho nudges my arm gently leaning over slightly "You alright?" I nod leaning my head on his shoulder and intertwining our fingers together "Never better." Alby stands raising his cup into the air "A toast to the gladers. We're finally free. And we won't forget those we lost to get here. But here is to a new life and a new beginning for all of us." we all cheer raising our own cups "To the glade." 

There's a loud knock on the door and Ares appears grinning "Come on. They've spotted land." I stand dragging Minho up with me. We all run outside joining the throng of people leaning out over the railing to see better out ahead. Sure enough far in front of us a long dark line has appeared. The setting sun illuminating it perfectly. "What do you think it will be like?" Minho shrugs leaning his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist "As long as I'm with you it will be perfect." I feel my self blushing and move slightly so I can kiss his cheek.

The next morning we can make out a strip of sand and behind a vast field of grass and trees and bushes. Vince gathers everyone in the mess hall shortly before we land. "Well we have made it a long way. And finally we are free of WICKED. Welcome to your our new home. We plan on organizing people into groups to build shelters and gather water and food and move supplies from the boat to shore." he starts reading from a list and people move into their groups. The gladers are tasked with moving building supplies from the ship to the shore. 

Everyone lurches forward when the boat beaches before launching into a chorus of cheering. Slowly people begin filtering out of the mess hall and through the ship to their respectable jobs. Minho and I follow the others down into the belly of the ship where all the supplies have been stored. Alby is elected leader and we start shifting things around gradually emptying the ship. Several others are also helping so it takes a surprisingly short time to get everything piled up on shore. Several tents have already been erected as more permanent shelter will need to be built. 

"It sort of reminds me of the glade." I turn to Newt smiling "I agree but with one crucial difference." he grins "No bloody walls." I nod laughing "No bloody walls." Sleeping arrangements are made and as the weather is so nice most drag bed rolls outside so it is just like the glade, sleeping under the stars.

Smiling happily I arrange my bed between Minho and Newt the other gladers surrounding us in a sort of circle. Once that has been sorted everyone gathers under a large canopy and toasts to our new home. Everyone soon starts singing and dancing and music is blasting from somewhere. Sonya and Harriet wander over and I hug them both grinning shouting "Can you believe it." Sonya grins shouting back "Whoo." Harriet rolls her eyes laughing "She's had a lot to drink." I laugh and jump when someone grabs my arm spinning me around "Hey Newt." he grins "I love you Y/N." I laugh hugging him "I love you to big brother." 

We head back over to the gladers and I burst out laughing when I see Thomas, Alby and Gally doing some sort of weird dance while Chuck cheers them on. Shaking my head slightly I watch Newt and Fry go and join in before grabbing Minho's hand and dragging him over as well so we are all dancing together. 

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