I'm fine

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Once Clint has given the all clear saying that there is nothing to worry about Minho and I sit just outside the kitchen eating. "Find anything interesting in the maze?" he smiles shaking his head "No, just the usual." I nod and lean my head on his shoulder "I'm tired." he chuckles "Lets get you to bed then." he stands pulling me to my feet, I yawn leaning heavily onto his side "You feeling alright?" I nod smiling "Fine, just tired." he loops an arm around my waist and the other under my knees pulling me up into his arms chuckling "Well I can't let you walk like this." 

I roll my eyes but smile slightly leaning my head against his shoulder "I love you Minho." he grins "I love you too baby." we reach the homestead and Minho places me down on my bed "Sleep well Y/N." I smile and he lays next to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "Night Min'."

Minho P/O/V:

I yawn and roll over finding Y/N still asleep. Sitting up I lean over and kiss her cheek gently pulling away quickly when I notice the bump on her neck has turned a nasty purple colour. "Y/N, baby wake up." she groans softly "What?" I smile slightly "Sorry, but the bump on your neck looks a lot worse than yesterday. I think you should have it looked at." she sighs "Min' really its, okay that hurts." she sits up wincing "Definitely worse." I sigh "Wait here, I'll go and find Clint." 

I stand pulling on my shoes hastily before pressing a light kiss to her lips "Don't go anywhere." she chuckles "Don't plan on it." I smile slightly running over to the med shack. "Clint?" he appears rubbing his eyes "Do you know what time it is?" I smile slightly "Sorry, but somethings wrong with Y/N." he nods slightly grabbing a bag "Lets go." I lead him back to Y/N's room and lean against the wall while he kneels in front of her "How do you feel?" she shrugs "Fine, my neck aches and I have the beginnings of a headache but other than that I feel fine."

He nods slightly checking her temperature before examining her neck "I think it's just bruising, but this should help." he takes out a tin of cream applying a little to her neck "As for the headache," he hands her a bottle with little pills inside "Take one of these with a glass of water. Your fine to run if you want to." she nods smiling "Thank you." he stands and leaves. "Are you sure your alright for running?" she stands smiling wrapping her arms around my neck "I'll be fine."

I nod slightly hugging her tightly "I'll see you tonight." she grins leaning closer "I love you." grinning I close the gap between us pressing my lips to hers "I love you more." she giggles "We should probably get ready, the doors open in fifteen minutes."

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