Catching up

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Once everyone has eaten we sit around one of the camp fires and I sit in Minho's lap with his arms around my waist. "So how did you get out?" Thomas, Alby and Newt launch into the story starting from when I left. The younger boy, Chuck, buts in every so often and when girls name Teresa everyone falls silent and stares at the other new boy, Thomas. 

I glance at everyone's faces "I guess she didn't make it?" Thomas grimaces and Newt shakes his head slightly "She made it out, but she well... She betrayed us." I nod slightly "I'm sorry." Thomas stands and moves away and Newt follows.

I sigh and lean back into Minho's warmth "I can't believe you're all here." he presses a soft kiss to my cheek "All here. I missed you so much." I sigh turning so I can look into his eyes "I missed you too, every day." leaning forward I kiss him gently wrapping my hand around the back of his neck while his cradle the back of my head. "Okay I don't want to see that." I grin pulling away and standing "I'll see you all tomorrow, we're heading to a safe site. All of us will finally be free of WICKED."

The others grin "Night Y/N." I wave and grab Minho's hand leading him over to my tent. I kick of my boots before laying on my cot pulling Minho down next to me. "I love you Y/N so much and I'm never letting you go again." I move closer wrapping my arms around him "I love you to Min' more than I can say."

In the morning I try and roll over but find I can't move and all I can see is grey. Looking up I smile seeing Minho still sleeping in front of me. Our limbs are in a tangle and his hair is all in a skew but he looks peaceful. I can't remember the last time I woke up with him next to me, wrapped up in his embrace. "Y/N. Y/N. Wake up." Minho shifts and I slowly unravel his arms  sitting up "Vince?"

"Is it safe to come in?" 

"Yea." the tent flap is pushed back and he ducks inside smiling slightly "Time to pack up." I nod and run a hand through my hair "I'll be there in a moment." he nods and sighs "Keep a sharp eye, I have a bad feeling about today." I smile "Of course, its going to be okay." smiling slightly he leaves and I turn to Minho who stares up at me sleepily. "Where we headed?" I lean down brushing my lips over his "The coast." 

He sits up running his fingers through his hair. I stand and pull on my boots and switch my shirt for a clean one strapping my guns into place. "Come on lets find the others." we walk out the tent and I quickly find Newt and Alby talking with Vince. I hug Newt and kiss Minho gently "I'll see you later." he nods "Promise to be safe?" I smile gently kissing him once "Always." I run over to the main supply tent helping load the remaining crates onto the trucks. I look around at what has been my home and smile up at Vince who appears at my side. "All the gladers are going in two trucks and have rifles." I nod and he holds out a set of keys "These are for you. We're going overland so its relatively safe."

I grin "Are you serious?" he nods and I take the keys of him fighting the urge to jump up and down in excitement. I throw my arms around his neck "Lets go." he nods patting me on the back "Please put a helmet on and be careful." I swing the keys around "Careful is my middle name." he shakes his head slightly and I run over to the motorbike lifting the helmet from the handle bars and securing it in place also slinging a rifle onto my back as an added precaution. Slinging my leg over the seat I rev the engine and flip the helmet visor down following the line of trucks away from the camp site.

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