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Minho P/O/V:

I turn to Newt gripping the gun in my lap tightly "Did you see where Y/N went?" he shakes his head and Fry turns around from the front seat "Look out the window." Newt, Alby and myself turn and Alby laughs "Well what do you know. Y/N can drive." I lean back in my seat smiling slightly "She has many talents." Newt laughs "I can't believe she's here. Alive and thriving." I nod slightly "I'm glad to see her so happy." The woman in the drivers seat turns slightly "She wasn't this happy before you arrived. Kept to herself mostly, Vince was the only one she would talk to for weeks." 

She smiles "She came out her shell when Sonya and Harriet arrived from the other maze. When she saw you that was the first proper smile I've ever seen. She did smile of course but it never quite reached her eyes." I frown and Alby squeezes my shoulder "Its not your fault. We're all together now and happy." I nod and Newt grins "Where are we going anyway?" the lady smiles in the mirror "The coast. There's a boat prepared to take us all away to somewhere safe. Where there are no cranks and no flare virus. Somewhere safe." 

I nod slightly and turn to the window watching Y/N carefully scared that she might hurt herself. After driving for what seems like hours we come to a stop and all the vehicles form a sort of circle  the driver turns in her seat "We're resting here tonight and will continue on in the morning. Keep your guns close to hand its dangerous out here." she jumps down and disappears in the crowd of people. Y/N appears next to the truck grinning with a helmet tucked under her arm, I jump down slinging the gun onto my back so I can hug her "Have fun?" she nods "Yep." I chuckle and kiss her softly before examining her "How many guns do you have?" she shrugs "Three? Four?" I shake my head slightly and she sighs "I have to go, I promised I'd help Lillian with cooking." she kisses my cheek and gives Newt a hug before bounding of.

Alby chuckles "She hasn't changed at all." Newt shakes his head "Nope." I lean back against the truck and Fry grins "Neither has Minho, still madly in love." I glare at him and cross my arms causing the three of them to fall about laughing. Thomas, Chuck and Brenda walk over "Hey." Chuck looks between Newt, Alby and Fry who are all still chuckling "What's up with them?" I shake my head slightly "Ignore them." he nods slightly and Fry grins "Minho's just salty because his girlfriend ran of to help somewhere else." I punch his arm and he winces "Hey." Clint, Jeff and Gally appear and we all are lead over to a fire and given food.

The next morning Y/N appears again giving me a chaste kiss before climbing onto her bike. We start driving again but nothing much happens except one of the trucks back fire causing everyone to go on alert thinking it is an explosion. Just as night begins to fall we reach a large chain link fence. Passing through we come to a large amount of run down sheds and buildings that seem to be full of people and transports of all sorts. Climbing out the truck I spot a large ship that seems to be sparking. Vince walks over grinning "Welcome to the right arm headquarters. We'll be staying here until further notice." he walks away and Y/N reappears smiling brightly "Hungry?" I nod and wrap my arms around her kissing her gently.

She takes my hand in hers and turns to the others "Come on." we all follow her into a large building with canvas sides to find long lines of tables inside. One is already full of people all similar ages to us. Y/N smiles "All fellow survivors. Most are immune, all rescued by the right arm from the clutches of WICKED." We sit down and Y/N leans her head on my shoulder "I love you Min'." I smile slightly gripping her hand under the table "I love you to."

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