Dinner date

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(Time skip one week)

Your P/O/V:

I sigh and start the long run back to the glade. I love being a runner but you would think after this long we would have reached an exit. Or solved something at least. Something clicks along the wall next to me and I turn my head slightly catching site of a beetle blade before it disappears behind some vines.

I scowl at it and continue running adjusting the straps on my pack so it fits better. The familiar entrance to the maze comes into view and I run through slowing to a jog. I reach the map room and pull open the door slipping inside "Hey Min." He grins looking up from the map he is sketching "Hey baby." I sit next to him sketching my portion of the maze " Are you free tonight? " I nod and smile "Why?" He grins putting down his pencil " I'm taking you on a date. " I smile happily "I look forward to it." He kisses my cheek lightly "Meet me by the kitchen when dinner starts?" I nod and he disappears out the door.

Smiling happily I finish my map and put it away. Stretching I stand and run to the showers washing and pulling on some clean clothes. The others have started gathering for dinner so i walk over to the kitchens finding Minho waiting with a basket of sorts. He smiles kissing me gently "Hey beautiful." I blush "How you doing handsome?" He grins taking my hand in his "Come on."

We walk through the glade and into the trees. We come to a small clearing and Minho smiles "I know it's not much but..." I cut him off with a kiss "I don't care, I love it." He smiles "I'm glad." We sit down and Minho starts unloading food from the basket laying it out on the ground "This is amazing." He shrugs "I bribed him with a day of and I helped as much as I could with cooking for the others."

I kiss his cheek and he blushes slightly "Would you like some pasta?" I nod "I would love some." We sit and eat in a comfortable silence and when it grows dark we lay back and watch the stars. "Thank you Minho this was amazing." He smiles turning so that our faces are right next to each other "Your very welcome." He takes my hand gently "I love you Y/N." I kiss him gently "I love you to Minho."

I move closer to him putting my head in his shoulder "I wish we could stay like this forever." He wraps an arm around my waist "When we get out of here we can lay and watch the stars for as long as you want." I nod "We're going to get out of here." "I believe so, we'll just have to wait and see." I smile "We'll solve the maze one day!"

Minho P/O/V:

Y/N falls silent and I shift my head slightly to see that she has fallen asleep. I smile and sit up slowly so I don't wake her, I pull her into my arms and stand carrying her back to her room in the homestead. I brush her hair out of her face and kiss her forehead gently whispering "Sleep well." Before walking outside walking over to where I usually sleep near Newt and Alby and laying down.

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