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I skip through the glade and towards the kitchen hoping to find Newt and Fry. I knock on the door and walk in to find Alby, Newt and Fry all in a huddle whispering to each other. I clear my throat and they all turn "Hello Y/N." I smile "what are you all whispering about." They all look at each other and look embarrassed "Nothing of importance." I nod "Well big brother I need your help with something." Newt nods and walks towards me and we walk outside.

"What do you need help with?" I sigh "Minho asked me out and I have no idea what to wear." Newt laughs and I scowl at him "Please I need help." Newt nods trying to keep a straight face "Come on then I think there is a box of girls clothes in the main building." I nod and follow him down a staircase into a small room full of boxes "This is the storeroom. If there are any girls clothes they will be at the back somewhere."

We rummage through the boxes and I find one in the back corner full of clothes. I pull the box to the middle of the room and Newt helps me pull it up the stairs. I put it on the floor and open it inside is a bunch of shirts, trousers and a dress. I ignore the dress and choose a shirt and trousers. Newt walks out and I change quickly before joining him outside "What do you think?" he shrugs "You look alright, but I'll be talking to Minho about hurting you." I roll my eyes and walk away.

I find Minho on the border of the forest smiling slightly "Hey." I smile "Hi." he offers me his hand and we walk together through the trees to a small clearing. on the floor is a small blanket and a box of food.

I smile "Did you do this?" he nods and scratches the back of his awkwardly "Do you like it?" I nod and kiss his cheek lightly "I know I can't remember my life before the maze but this is probably the nicest thing someone has done for me." he smiles and we both sit down. "Fry did the food." I smile and he hands me an apple.

After eating I lay back next to Minho "Do you think we'll ever get out this maze?" he shrugs "I've been running the maze practically since I got here and haven't found a way out. It keeps changing." I nod "But do you think its solvable?" he smiles "I hope so." I move closer and stare up into the trees "Well if we are stuck here it doesn't seem to bad to me."

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