Close call

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I stretch and sit up rubbing my eyes, the sun is just starting to rise. I smile and change quickly into my running clothes and start lacing up my boots. I sling my bag onto my back and tie two daggers around my waist before heading to the kitchen. 

"Morning Fry." he smiles "Good morning." he hands me a full water bottle and food. I put it in my bag and wave slightly "Thanks Fry, see you later." I walk over to the door Joining Minho and the other runners just as the doors start creaking open. "Morning." he smiles and kisses my cheek "Morning." 

the doors finish opening and I grin "See you later." Minho nods and kisses my forehead "See you later." the two of us run into the maze and split our two different ways.

Minho P/O/V:

After running all day I start heading back repeating the route I took over and over in my head. I half run half walk to the hut and start drawing the part I ran today. Once I've finished I run back over to the doors to wait for Y/N. I watch the others come through but can't see any sign of Y/N. 

Slowly I feel panic rising in me. Newt runs over "Is Y/N not back yet?" I shake my head not taking my eyes of the doors "Where is she?" he shakes his head and grips my shoulder "She's going to make it back." I nod and Alby and Fry appear standing with us. Clint and Jeff also walk over with Gally. "How long till the doors close?" I shake my head trying not to think about it. 

Newt points "There she is." I follow his finger and see her running like crazy. Something creaks behind her and I feel my eyes widen "That's a Griever, Y/N run!" she continues running like crazy "Don't look back." Newt yells the others start yelling just as the doors start creaking shut. 

I want to look away but can't take my eyes of Y/N as she runs faster. She gets to the doors just as they are nearly closed and slips through. I grab her and wrap my arms around her tightly. "Min air." I let go "Sorry." she smiles and hugs Newt "Talk about a close call." he sighs "You gave us all a fright." she smiles "Talk about a close call."

Alby stares at the doors in shock "The grievers have never chased someone before. Did you get stung?" she shakes her head "No just a scratch from running into a wall." he nods and the others start walking away and she turns back to me. I smile slightly and wrap my arms around her again whispering "Never do that to me again." 

She smiles "I don't plan to that was terrifying." I chuckle slightly and look into her eyes "I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life, Y/N I love you. I know it's soon but I do and..." she cuts me of by kissing me "I love you to." I grin and she walks away leaving me grinning like a maniac. 

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