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Hey! So as you probably saw from the cover, this is a co-written project (my co-author doesn't have a Wattpad account, however) that I decided to share to websites other than FanFiction.Net. Half of this is written by me, and half by my co-author, Heidi.

Just to be clear, things will be different from the game. Some people will die in other ways, while others will live altogether. Also, since this takes place in Season 1, Sarah and Carlos will be two years younger.

Disclaimer: We don't own any of these characters.


Three months. That was the amount of time that had passed since this whole apocalypse mess began. The lives of Carlos and his recently turned thirteen-year-old daughter, Sarah, had been turned upside-down so quickly, and they didn't like it.

Carlos and Sarah were currently walking through the woods just outside of Macon, Georgia, trying to find a safe place for themselves. They had come a long way from their home in North Carolina in such a short period of time.

"Dad?" Sarah inquired. She looked up at her father through her red-rimmed glasses. "Will we find a safe place soon? We've been walking for forever now. I'm getting a little tired."

"I hope so, sweetie..." Carlos answered, looking down at his daughter. "If you're tired though, we can stop and take a break," he suggested, and they stopped walking. Sarah then found herself lounging on a fallen tree, and catching her breath momentarily. "Have some water," Carlos said as he gave his daughter the small canteen that they had.

"Thanks," Sarah grinned, and took a small drink.

They didn't have many supplies left, save for maybe a few energy bars, along with some water and medicine, but that was about it. There was only a couple more hours until it got dark, so they would have to stop traveling for the day shortly.

It didn't help that Sarah had so many questions that Carlos couldn't give a shadow of an answer to. But the teenager couldn't help it, she was always so curious, and these days she had every right to be. Carlos always did his best to make sure that his daughter was as far away from those "walkers" as possible.

It was only a few minutes later when the two heard some voices, and the doctor stood up, not wanting them to be discovered. "Come on, Sarah, we need to keep moving," he directed.

Sarah nodded obediently and began to follow her father.

They didn't seem to be walking for a very long time when Carlos heard the voices again. They had gotten noticeably closer, and Carlos was beginning to get worried. What if they were bad people? All he wanted to do was keep his daughter safe.

"Is someone out there, Dad?" Sarah asked.

Carlos stopped and listened, making sure to be prepared to grab his firearm in case someone tried to hurt Sarah or himself. But before he could say anything, two figures emerged into sight. One was a man with a brown beard, and the other was a rather tall teenager who looked to be a few years older than Sarah. The girl gasped quietly and backed away behind her father, peeking out.

The man eyed Carlos, and raised his arms. "You don't look like one of the people who raided our gymnasium," he said.

The teenage boy locked eyes with Sarah, and his blue orbs widened. "Mr. Parker...he has a kid."

"I don't want to hurt anyone," Carlos spoke carefully. "My daughter and I are just passing through," he added as he watched the two strangers with tentative eyes. They looked harmless for the most part, but you couldn't really ever tell these days.

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