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Lee, Omid, and Christa rounded the corner, where a good-sized horde of walkers were meandering around the Marsh House area. The three of them looked at one another, then at the hotel entrance.

"Are you ready?" Christa asked them.

"Definitely," Omid replied.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Lee added, wanting to get Clementine back safe and sound.

Omid began by killing a walker that was sneaking up behind him. If he hadn't heard the growling noises, then he would have been done for. Lee began into the horde first, killing the first walker he saw. Christa and Omid did the same thing.

They began to make their way slowly through the crowd of walkers, killing whatever was in sight. They had to be careful, because nobody wanted to get bitten. So far, their crappy plan was working out pretty well, and they were almost to the Marsh House hotel, where Clementine was, hopefully.

"Everyone good?" Omid asked when they regrouped at the entrance of the hotel.

Christa nodded. "I think so."

"I can't believe that fucking worked," Lee added. They entered the hotel, cautiously, keeping their eyes open for anymore walkers that may be lurking around the front doors. Lee was about to continue walking, until Christa stopped him by putting a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Do you want to go alone?" she asked him.

Lee thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "I'll get this guy. You and Omid stay out here until I come back with Clementine."

"But what if you need help?" Omid questioned. "I mean, this guy's dangerous. He could attack you."

Lee figured that he could probably handle the stranger himself, but he spoke up again. "If I need help, then I'll whistle."

"Good luck," Christa said.

As if on cue, they heard movement coming from one of the rooms, and that could only have been from the one where Clementine was being held captive. His weapons still in his pockets, Lee made his way to the room at the end of the hall. When he slowly opened the door, there was no one inside, but the bathroom doorknob was tied shut to a closet across the way. Was Clementine perhaps locked in one of them?

Lee decided to try the bathroom door first when he heard someone enter. Turning around, he noticed an unfamiliar man with a gun. This could only be Clem's captor.

"I got us adjoining rooms," he said simply.

"Where is she?" Lee asked bluntly, getting straight to the point.

"I already told you, she's fine," the stranger answered almost monotonously. "Go over there." Here, he pointed by the dresser with his gun.

Lee obliged to what the man said, and moved over by the dresser slowly. "Put your things down," the man ordered, and Lee was hesitant at first, but followed the man's orders, laying all his weapons down on the dresser. He was willing to cooperate, as long as Clementine was okay.

Suddenly, Clem's voice could be heard. "Let me out! Who's out there?"

Lee knew if he spoke, the stranger would do something, so he decided it was best to stay quiet. "Good," the stranger praised. "Quiet please, sweetie," he told Clementine, and Lee frowned in disgust. This guy was sick. Once Lee's pockets were emptied and all his stuff was on the dresser, he turned to look at the man.

"Just be cool," the said simply.

"Am I not cool?" the man asked. "Go sit down," he ordered, still pointing the gun at Lee.

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