River Street

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A few minutes later, Lee and Kenny left the mansion in hopes of finding a boat. Lee turned and noticed the mutilated body of Carley, fully devoured and bullet in her brain. He sighed and turned away; she was a good woman. He even had some romantic feelings for her.

"You okay, pal?" Kenny inquired.

"Huh?" Lee looked at him. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

"Let's just get to the river," Kenny said. "There's gotta be a boat somewhere around there."

Lee nodded, and the two made their way to River Street. There was no conversation, as Kenny was probably deep in thought about his family. They were almost there when the church bells rang again.

"Son of a bitch, that bastard's fucking with us again!" Kenny said, getting out his gun and pointing it all around. "It's another trap."

"No. Listen. That's not the same bell as before," Lee observed. "This one's farther off. Whatever it is, it's gonna get the dead moving over there."

They took cover behind an abandoned building so the walkers that passed by wouldn't notice them. "What in the hell is going on?" Kenny asked, holding his gun in hand just in case.

"I don't know, but the person ringing that bell might be doing us a favor," Lee said as he watched the walkers.

Kenny shook his head. "Whatever, man. If I find who's doing that, I'll ring their motherfucking bell for 'em."

"Good one," Lee commented.

As the last walker passed, Kenny stood up. "Let's keep moving," he said. They walked in silence for a few more minutes, carefully watching each other's backs.

"I think we're safe..." Lee trailed off, but got no response from Kenny. He turned around, and then he knew why the other man was so quiet. There were no boats in sight. "Oh my God," Lee spoke, interrupting the silence.

"There's gotta be a boat...gotta be."

"Are you sure about that?" Lee asked. "It doesn't look like it, maybe we need to start thinking of a plan B."

Kenny turned around to face his friend. "This is the plan! It's the only one we've got, and you pissin' on it like you did in front of everyone back at the house ain't exactly helping. Well, screw you! I ain't giving up that easy," he finished, and walked away.

He noticed that there was one boat left, and ran over to it, with Lee running after him.

"This one might still be salvageable," Kenny pointed out.

"Seriously?" Lee asked.

"You got a better fucking idea?" Kenny snapped. "I'll check it out. You look further along the waterfront. Maybe there's something at the other end."

"I don't think we should split up too far."

"We don't have to. See the telescope? You can see all the way along the waterfront from right here. See what you can find."

"Okay," Lee said, and walked away.

Back at the house, things weren't going too well. Omid's infection seemed to be getting worse, and Lilly was grieving quite hard in one of the many upstairs bedrooms, having left Larry's grave. Carlos and Christa were still examining Omid, while Sarah, Ben, and Clementine were playing a board game they had found.

"Omid? Omid, honey? How are you feeling?" Christa asked worriedly.

But Omid seemed pretty dazed. "That's funny...hey, babe, you look like a cloud. A beautiful one." He let out a small laugh, and immediately passed out.

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