Group's Arrival

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When Sarah heard Carley's voice, she jumped up from the outdoor sofa and stood next to the RV. Carley, along with Carlos and Ben, were standing at the entrance, but where were Lee and Mark? She hoped they were okay.

"The St. Johns invited the group over to the dairy farm," Carley explained. "Their mother, Brenda, she said that she would cook all of us a big dinner. And we brought these. There were a lot in there." She held out a basket, which Lilly took and uncovered.

Lilly nodded and handed the basket to Katjaa, who placed them by the truck.

Sarah decided that it was okay to go and greet her father, and she gave him a hug. "What was the farm like, Daddy?" she wanted to know. "Is it safe?"

Carlos had decided to tell her about the farm, but leave out the part about the cow so that he could surprise her. "It's really nice there, sweetie," he said. "You and the other kids can all play outside together."

"It sounds nice, and they have food!" Sarah exclaimed, which reminded Carlos that he had put one of the buns in his pocket so Sarah could have something to eat since she hadn't eaten in a while. He pulled it out and gave it to her, and her eyes lit up.

"I saved it for you since you were hungry," he said and winked at her.

"Thanks Daddy," Sarah said and began eating it.

"Is everyone ready?" Lilly asked, interrupting the conversation between Carlos and his daughter. "Someone will have to stay here to watch the motel, and someone will have to help carry David, since he only has one leg," she added.

"I can carry Mr. Parker," Travis offered. "He is my teacher after all."

Carlos raised his eyebrows. Travis didn't look all that strong, but then again, he had only known him for a few days. Lilly agreed, and Travis walked over to the truck to let David know they were leaving.

"Ben and I can stay here, since we had some of the food," Carley suggested.

"Fine," Lilly replied. "You two stay while the rest of us go."

"I'll go get everyone else," Katjaa announced, and walked away to talk to Kenny and Duck.

"I wish Ben could go," Sarah looked between her father and Ben.

"I'll be fine, Sarah," Ben smiled at her. "Bring me back some food, okay?"

She grinned. "Okay, I will."

Once everyone was up and ready by the gate, it was time for them to go. "Everyone has to stick together," Carlos said. "We saw some bandits on the way there, so everyone keep your eyes open. Stay alert," he ordered, and everyone seemed to nod in agreement.

"If you aren't back before nightfall, Ben and I are coming back up there," Carley said.

"Good call," Lilly said. "Okay, let's go." The remaining members of the group began their walk back to the dairy with Carlos in the lead since he had already been there.

Clementine and Sarah talked about cats on the way there. "I always wanted a cat..." Clementine said, "But my dad was allergic to them so I wasn't allowed to have one."

"That's sad," Sarah replied.

"Hey Dad, are we almost there yet?" Duck asked.

"I'm sure it won't take long, bud," Kenny responded, patting his son on the back.

"Are you feeling okay, Mr. Parker?" Travis asked as he carried his teacher. For a scrawny kid, he was stronger than he looked.

"I'll be fine, just...hopefully the medication kicks in soon," David answered.

They walked for a little while longer until they reached a clearing, meaning that they were now at the farm. Sarah loved it already, the view was breathtaking to her, and it seemed like things were back to the way they were before. Lee and Mark were talking to the St. Johns.

"Hey, y'all!" Kenny greeted.

Brenda turned and noticed David in Travis's arms. "Oh my Lord! What happened to you, sweetheart?!"

"Bear trap," David answered with a weak smile.

"A bear trap? Goodness!" Brenda exclaimed. "We'll get you inside and comfortable, okay honey? And I've got some pain meds too," she said as she patted the man on the shoulder.

"That sounds like heaven," David said.

"Danny, Andy, get this man inside. Put him in the guest room, and give him some medicine," Brenda ordered.

"You got it, Mama," Andy said.

Lilly looked around, and actually looked satisfied. "Wow, you guys weren't kidding when you said this place was secure," she said to Carlos.

"Where's Ben and Carley?" Lee inquired.

"Since Carley and Ben ate some of the food on the way back, Carley volunteered to watch the motor inn until we get back," Lilly answered.

At that moment, Andrew and Danny walked outside without Brenda and David. The two talked to one another briefly, then Andy turned to the children. "Hey kids, look what Lee fixed up for ya!" They all looked, and their faces brightened.

"A swing! I love swings! Just like at my treehouse!" Clementine exclaimed. "Come on, you guys!" Then to Lee, she added, "Thanks, Lee, you're the best!"

"Yeah!" Duck cried.

"Thank you," Sarah added, more shyly.

"Why don't you kids go play on the swing, huh?" Kenny suggested.

Sarah looked to Carlos for approval, and he nodded before she ran off to join her friends. Duck jumped onto the swing while Clementine stood nearby, and Sarah sat on the tree stump.

A few moments later, Brenda came back out of the house. "Your friend should be okay, I gave him some medicine and he's out like a light," she said.

"Thank you," Travis nodded towards the older woman.

She then looked to Katjaa, "You must be the veterinarian."

"I'm Katjaa," she introduced.

"Brenda," the older woman said. "If you could follow me, Maybelle's in the barn." Katjaa nodded and followed Brenda over to the giant barn.

Carlos looked over at Andy and Danny. "Is there anything we can do to help out until dinner gets done?" he asked. "It's the least we can do."

"I was actually thinkin' of scoping out the bandit camp in the woods," Danny replied. "It would be nice if one of y'all came with."

"Why?" Lee wanted to know.

"Just to make sure they ain't gonna try anything on us," Danny answered. "You know how people get these days."

"I'll go," Lee volunteered. "Carlos, you stay here with your daughter."

"Thank you, Lee," Carlos nodded at the other man.

"But other than that, I think we're good," Andy gave the two men a smile. "Y'all enjoy yourselves here. I'll be at the generator if ya need anything." And with that, he walked off.

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