New Faces

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The train came to an abrupt stop, and everyone got off to stand outside. They couldn't believe the sight that they saw in front of them. "Holy shit..." Carley said as she looked up at the mess in front of them. A tanker truck had fallen off the side of a bridge, and was just dangling there.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Kenny yelled angrily. Carlos covered Sarah's ears.

"Maybe we could walk?" Ben chimed in.

Kenny shook his head. "That's fucking stupid, Ben."

"It is pretty damn dumb," Larry added.

"Dad!" Lilly chided.

"I'm just saying..." Ben trailed off.

"Hm, I don't know about y'all's fortitude, but we could probably deal with this," Chuck commented. "I mean, we got a damn train."

"That thing's not full of milk, Charles," Kenny said. "It's gotta be gas or diesel. Something that's gonna explode."

"You gotta get a hold of yourself," Chuck reprimanded. "This is a crew here."

Kenny started to approach, getting in the older man's face. "This is-"

"Yo! You keep screaming like that, you're gonna get your face chewed off!"

This was a new voice. The group looked, and the person who had spoken was a rather short man who looked to be Persian-American. With him was a taller African-American woman, who was looking at them suspiciously.

"Are you guys going to be trouble? Because we could have just kept walking," the woman called down.

"No, we're friendly!" Lee shouted back. He turned to his friend. "Put your hand down, Ken."

"That's what everybody says," the woman continued.

"We know."

The two people on top of the bridge spoke to one another briefly, then the man called down to them, "You guys got a problem with your train?"

"Yeah. You're standing right in front of it," Kenny replied cockily.

"Kenny..." Carlos chided.

"Dude, it's a wreck! It's not so bad from up here!" the man yelled. "Send your buddy up to have a look."

Lee began to walk forward, until Kenny stopped him. "Anything goes sideways up there, we won't let them escape." Lee then made his way to the ladder that allowed you to climb up onto the bridge. He proceeded to climb up it so he could talk to the new strangers.

"If I come up there, you better not be murderers or thieves!" he warned.

The woman replied, "I guess you'll have to find out."

As Lee climbed up, he heard the two conversing. "A group of guys is what we need!" he heard the man say.

"It's what you think we need!" the woman replied. "We're doing fine on our own."

"Yeah, for now," the man said. "What about when...?" But he left his sentence hanging because Lee had finally made it to the top, and had approached them eagerly.

"Hey dude, I'm Omid," the man said.

"Lee," Lee introduced himself.

"Christa," the woman said. "What's the deal with the train?" she asked.

"We're driving it," Lee answered.

"Oh, MAN!" Omid exclaimed, and Christa playfully rolled her eyes. Omid seemed to have a love for trains.

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