Clarified Confusions

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Back in the boxcar, Sarah was laying on her dad's chest, attempting to sleep like everyone else. But there was something on her mind that was bothering her in particular, and she wanted to ask her dad about it, but she was also afraid she would get in trouble. "Daddy?" she whispered, as she moved to look up at him.

"Something wrong?" Carlos asked her, always concerned for his daughter.

"Lee has killed someone before, right?" she asked curiously.

"How did you hear that?" Carlos asked, confused.

"When he was cutting Clementine's hair...they were talking about it," she explained. "I wasn't trying to be nosy...but I was really curious." She said it like she had been caught doing something bad.

Carlos sighed. "Yes, Lee has killed someone before." He didn't like lying to his daughter, and he knew that she knew the truth now, so lying would get him nowhere.

"I don't get it," she said simply.

"Don't get what?" Carlos asked.

"Lee is a good guy. How did he kill someone?" the teen girl's eyebrows were knitted together in confusion.

This was something Carlos had to think about for just a moment. It wasn't an easy thing to clarify, but his daughter deserved to have as many of her questions answered as possible. That wasn't always the case, but this time, it could be answered.

"Sometimes good people get caught up with bad things, honey," Carlos eventually told her. "It's a little hard to explain. Lee got caught up in a situation that led him to do what he did. He says he regrets it." He didn't want to give Sarah the gory details that had been told to him.

"Oh," Sarah replied, looking at the ground. "That's really sad."

"It is. But Lee is nobody to be afraid of, okay?" Carlos asked. He kissed the top of her head. "Why don't you try and go to sleep? We've still got a little bit to go before we reach Savannah."

"Okay," Sarah yawned. She placed her head on her father's chest. "Goodnight, Daddy."

Within a few seconds, her soft breathing could be heard, now that her questions were answered. Carlos made a mental note to talk to Lee and patch things up whenever he was available.

Meanwhile, Lilly was talking to Carley about the things that happened in the RV. "Look," Lilly began. "I don't expect you to forgive me or whatever for what I did, but I just want you to know that I'm sorry." Carley stared at her with wide eyes.

"Holy shit, you're apologizing?" Carley asked.

Lilly shook her head. "I apologized to Carlos, so I feel like I should do the same to you. Plus, I still have a really bad feeling about Ben," she brought up.

Carley sighed. "Even if it was him, take it easy, okay? He's just a kid."

"I know," Lilly replied. "It's just so fucked up."

"Yeah," Carley agreed.

"I still can't fucking believe this," Lilly grumbled. "Whoever it was, they nearly cost my dad his life. He needed those pills. Him, and Clementine, and Sarah; more so than any of us." It was obvious how much she worried for Larry, especially now when there was hardly any supplies to begin with.

"I know, Lilly," Carley told her. "But, hey, maybe we'll find something once we're in Savannah. It won't hurt to look around, will it?"

Lilly sighed. "I suppose not." But the look on her face was still an apprehensive one; if there was nothing left in Savannah, then what? She knew she would have to keep Larry as relaxed as possible either way. "I'm...going to sleep. Uh, goodnight."

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